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English Department Hiring Justification Fall 2015.

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1 English Department Hiring Justification Fall 2015

2 Again? O Didn’t English just get a new hire?

3 Yes O Fall 2014 full-time hire increased our department to seven full-timers O Better than the deficit we had been running O Still far fewer than the twelve full-timers we had when the grandma among us was hired, 16 years ago O Our department FTEF (productivity) has increased from 9.27 in Fall 2009 to 11.28 in spring 2015, meaning we have the load for 12 FT faculty

4 Productivity by Semester Fall 2015 Fill rate: 104% FTEF: 14.85 43% taught by FT faculty

5 Why Not Adjuncts? O We love adjuncts! We have wonderful adjuncts, which is a good thing as they teach more than half of students taking English courses. O However...

6 Full-Time English Faculty Chair and Staff Committees O Professional Development O ACES O Honors’ Advisory O Sustainability O Pathways to Transfer O Distance Education O AFT O Academic Grievance Committee

7 Full-Time English Faculty Develop Initiatives O Writing in the LC, across the curriculum O GED Pilot O Online labs O Honors’ courses O Puente O Poetry Slam O Voices of People’s History O Relevant field trips and speakers O Word Jam O ACES O Creative writing club

8 In Response to State Initiatives, our Department is Developing Programs O Student equity O Men of color O Basic skills retention/success O Writing center in the LC O Creative writing club

9 Specialized Adjuncts are Scarce O Given the need to accelerate student progress, our department has developed accelerated/integrated English courses that: O Require faculty versed in reading and composition pedagogy O Require well-trained faculty who are hard to find

10 Our Basic Skills Courses Are Packed Term Course Fill Rate O F 12 (first term offered) ENGL 827 112% O F 13 ENGL 827 105% O F 13 (first term offered) ENGL 847 113% O SP 14 ENGL 847 112% O F 15 IRW and stand alone basic skills courses 101%

11 Our Transfer-Level Courses are Packed Term Course Fill Rate F 09 ENGL 100 104% F 10 ENGL 100 103% F 11 ENGL 100 107% F 12 ENGL 100 96% F 13 ENGL 100 112% F 15 ENGL 100 103% Term Course Fill Rate F 09 ENGL 110 108% F 10 ENGL 110 103% F 11 ENGL 110 105% F 12 ENGL 110 110% F 13 ENGL 110 100% F 15 ENGL 110 102%

12 Cañada Needs More FT Faculty O Given our productivity, fill rates, and the scarcity of qualified specialized English adjuncts, we feel one of these new FT faculty members should be in English.

13 Sources O Hsieh, Chialin. Data Packet (English). Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness. Cañada College. 2014-15. O Johnson, David. Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences. Cañada College.

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