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Learning in environments with agents we don’t control.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning in environments with agents we don’t control."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning in environments with agents we don’t control

2 WRANE — November, 2010 — Geoff Gordon 2 Making models Skill of making models that represent reality ‣ bringing in other disciplines (besides CS AI econ stats math control philosophy) How do we describe intelligent agents? What (approximate) equilibria (or other solution concepts) are relevant?

3 WRANE — November, 2010 — Geoff Gordon 3 Setting up the learning problem How do we even measure success of learning? How do we express prior information? What is visible? (actions, outcomes, payoffs— for self, other agents)

4 WRANE — November, 2010 — Geoff Gordon 4 How do we get the data? Exploration / experimentation (vs. exploitation) ‣ problem of driving off a cliff ‣ but more problems for games: e.g., accidentally revealing info Want to avoid being taught and exploited Want to present a “table image”

5 WRANE — November, 2010 — Geoff Gordon 5 Complexity Can we get generalization bounds analogous to those from COLT, statistics? How do we measure complexity of a model or model class? Choose the right complexity? Are we doomed to model opponents as less complex than ourselves? Is this a problem? What if the [game, opponent set] changes: how stable are our performance metrics and generalization bounds?

6 WRANE — November, 2010 — Geoff Gordon 6 Complexity, cont’d Ensembles ‣ work really well in Netflix, KDD cup; not as well in Lemonade Stand ‣ is there something about our [adversarial, dynamic, non-Markovian] setting that hurts them?

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