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Science Wednesday, November 18 th, 2015. WARM UP Bring your notebook, pencil and agenda to your desk Work on Wednesday’s warm up only ( do not work ahead)

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Presentation on theme: "Science Wednesday, November 18 th, 2015. WARM UP Bring your notebook, pencil and agenda to your desk Work on Wednesday’s warm up only ( do not work ahead)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Wednesday, November 18 th, 2015

2 WARM UP Bring your notebook, pencil and agenda to your desk Work on Wednesday’s warm up only ( do not work ahead) When finished, grab your chromebook and continue working on your vocabulary from yesterday

3 quizlet In search box type: 6.P.3.1 Vocabulary Energy and Heat Transfer

4 Chromebooks to finish Vocabulary Activity You will have 10 minutes to finish the vocabulary activity from yesterday on Quizlet In a search box on Quizlet type: 6.P.3.1 Vocabulary Energy and Heat Transfer If you finished your vocabulary words, play the different activities on Quizlet (speller, learn, test, scatter, race)

5 Today we will look at some ways heat energy (thermal energy) is transferred

6 Thermal Energy… Thermal (heat) energy can travel in 3 ways… You will receive a handout to write this information

7 Conduction BOX Write this: Heat traveling through solids when two things are directly touching Draw this: (pan on a stove burner; heat from the burner travels into the metal pan, causing the temperature of the pan to rise)

8 Videos Conduction videos Part 1 & 2

9 Convection Box Write this: Heat traveling through liquids and gases in a circular pattern (convection currents) Draw this :

10 Convection video

11 Radiation Box Write this: Heat moving across the space between two objects that are not touching Draw this: (If you hold your hand over a pan, near a hot fire or near an iron to see if it is hot)

12 Radiation Video Radiation

13 Remember…..Heat Transfer If 2 things are directly touching…. conduction If something heated is rising or circulating currents in liquids or gases….. convection If heat moves across spaces between 2 things that are not touching…. radiation

14 Does this all make sense?

15 Rotation around the room.. Number your notebook page from 1 – 7 In this activity, you will rotate around the room looking at different images to determine if the picture shows conduction, convection or radiation

16 Rotation around the room.. You will count off from 1 – 7 The number you say out loud will match the station number where you will start You will rotate around only when the timer sounds off Let’s count now…. You will have 30 seconds in each station GO NOW!

17 Station 1 Hot coffee is stirred with a spoon and the spoon gets hot

18 Station 2 A chair is placed near a fireplace. The side of the chair closest to the fireplace gets warm

19 Station 3 A lava lamp contains colored liquids. These liquids form globs that break off and rise to the top when the lamp is turned on.

20 Station 4 A man warms his hands in front of a heater after being outside in the snow

21 Station 5 In a large room, air moves by currents of warm air rising and cold air sinking

22 Station 6 water at the top of the ocean warms and rises while cold water sinks

23 Station 7 Using an electric heating blanket to get warm

24 Handout Cut and Sort Activity You will need scissors and glue We will review this handout now Remember check with the solution station before you glue down your statements This will go directly in your notebook

25 Now its your turn…. Give 2 Examples of Thermal Energy Draw this diagram in your notebook (cover the entire page) ConductionConvection Radiation

26 Study Jams-Heat light-sound/heat.htm light-sound/heat.htm

27 Creative Time Create a poster showing an example of heat transfer

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