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Full name Period III. Chapter 14, section 3: The Inner Planets A. The inner planets: are the four terrestrial planets that are closest to the sun. Mercury.

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Presentation on theme: "Full name Period III. Chapter 14, section 3: The Inner Planets A. The inner planets: are the four terrestrial planets that are closest to the sun. Mercury."— Presentation transcript:

1 Full name Period III. Chapter 14, section 3: The Inner Planets A. The inner planets: are the four terrestrial planets that are closest to the sun. Mercury Venus Earth Mars 1. Small in size 2. Dense (Composed of some metals) 3. Rocky with relatively thin atmospheres

2 2. Dense (Composed of some metals) 3. Rocky with relatively thin atmospheres B. Mercury: is the smallest and closest to the sun of all the planets. 1. Distance from the sun: 0.39 AU 3. Period of revolution: 66 days 4. Diameter: 4,879 km 5. Density: 5.43 g/cm 3 6. Axis tilt: 0.01 degrees 7. Surface gravity: 38% of Earth’s 2. Period of rotation: 58 days, 15.6 hours C. Venus: is the second planet from the sun and has the thickest atmosphere of the terrestrial planets. 1. Distance from the sun: 0.72 AU 2. Period of rotation (retrograde): 243 days, 2.4 hours 3. Period of revolution: 224 days, 17 hours 4. Diameter: 12,104 km 5. Density: 5.24 g/cm 3

3 4. Diameter: 12,104 km 5. Density: 5.24 g/cm 3 C. Venus: is the second planet from the sun and has the thickest atmosphere of the terrestrial planets. 1. Distance from the sun: 0.72 AU 2. Period of rotation (retrograde): 243 days, 2.4 hours 3. Period of revolution: 224 days, 17 hours 6. Axis tilt: 2.6 degrees 7. Surface gravity: 91% of Earth’s 8. Atmosphere of Venus a. Very dense (for a terrestrial planet) i. Creates pressures 90 time greater than found on Earth. b. Made of mostly CO 2 i. Traps heat (Greenhouse effect) ii. Surface temperature 464 C (100 C = boiling H 2 O) c. Made of sulfuric acid too 9. Exploration of Venus

4 c. Made of sulfuric acid too 9. Exploration of Venus a. Many orbiters of Venus (mapping by radar imagining) b. Very few landings on Venus (not by humans yet) i. Most did not last long if at all ii. Venera 14 * Lasted 57 minuets (designed for 30 minutes) ** Took only a few pictures

5 Full name Period III. Chapter 14, section 3: The Inner Planets (continued) D. Earth: is the only know planet with life. 4. Diameter: 12,756 km 5. Density: 5.52 g/cm 3 1. Distance from the sun: 1 AU 2. Period of rotation: 23 hours, 56 minuets 3. Period of revolution: 365 days, 6 days 6. Axis tilt: 23.5 degrees 7. Surface gravity: 100% of Earth’s 8. Atmosphere of Earth a. Very thin (Apple skin thin as a model) b. 73% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, 2% H 2 O, 4% many other… 9. One rocky moon (very large) 10. H 2 O in solid, liquid and gas states

6 10. H 2 O in solid, liquid and gas states E. Mars: is a rusty planet that humans could visit (presently). 4. Diameter: 6,794 km 5. Density: 3.94 g/cm 3 1. Distance from the sun: 1.52 AU 6. Axis tilt: 25.2 degrees 7. Surface gravity: 38% of Earth’s 8. Atmosphere of Mars a. Very, very thin b. Mostly CO 2 2. Period of rotation: 24 hours, 37 minuets 3. Period of revolution: 1 years 322 days 9. Two very small, oddly shaped, rocky moons 10. Mars has only been visited by, robotic probes

7 9. Two very small, oddly shaped, rocky moons 10. Mars has only been visited by, robotic probes 11. Mars has the tallest volcano (extinct)

8 12. Has the deepest canyon too ( Valles Marineris)

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