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USING SELF-CREATED WEBSITES TO LAUNCH INTERNET PROJECTS Internet websites trawled in advance ‘Themed’ websites: –Asteroids, custom cars, extreme sports,

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Presentation on theme: "USING SELF-CREATED WEBSITES TO LAUNCH INTERNET PROJECTS Internet websites trawled in advance ‘Themed’ websites: –Asteroids, custom cars, extreme sports,"— Presentation transcript:

1 USING SELF-CREATED WEBSITES TO LAUNCH INTERNET PROJECTS Internet websites trawled in advance ‘Themed’ websites: –Asteroids, custom cars, extreme sports, - Antarctica, endangered animals etc. Websites all linked to from ‘Home Site’ Include project documents

2 PROJECT DOCUMENTS Acknowledging sources from the Internet Box charts Instructions for completing box charts How to take notes from a text Presentations instructions Presentation evaluation criteria Written assessment criteria

3 HOME SITE DOCUMENTS Discussion topics Role play scenarios Essay topics Generic essay formats

4 PROCEDURE 1)Students choose one topic from one of the themed websites: Hurricanes from ‘Forces of Nature’ Amphibious cars from ‘Strange Cars’ 2)Students take notes in box charts 3)Have discussion or do role-play [optional] 4)Produce written assignment or presentation

5 RATIONALE ‘Whole package’ –closely integrated with internet content Cut out often fruitless, time-consuming internet searching [students and teachers!] Sites chosen in advance for lexical simplicity and cultural suitability Students follow ‘two-step’ process: 1] note-taking 2] Essay or PPT Discussion scenarios encourage further involvement

6 CREATING YOUR OWN INTERNET PROJECT WEBS Use Front Page or Dream Weaver if you want to design from scratch Use ‘click-and-build’ programs like: –Google Page Maker –Geocities –Filamentality If you want to make the sites quickly!

7 CREATING YOUR OWN INTERNET PROJECT WEBS Make a URL table for your linksURL table Get students to do your web- trawling for you! I assigned them topics for blogs: Extreme sports & Strange Cars They put their links in URL tables

8 CLICK & BUILD WEBSITE PROGRAMS Filamentality – the absolute easiest! No graphics Google Page Creator – Pretty easy, upload photos, make simple layout changes; click on ‘more’, then ‘labs’, then ‘Google Page Creator. My web pages: MY INTERNET PROJECT SITE mesite/index.htm MY INTERNET PROJECT SITE [relative]MY INTERNET PROJECT SITE

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