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CS480 Computer Science Seminar Group Facilitation Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "CS480 Computer Science Seminar Group Facilitation Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS480 Computer Science Seminar Group Facilitation Skills

2 Objectives Be able to Use effective planning skills for success with meetings and discussions Use listening skills to help clarify and summarize discussions Use structured brainstorming as a technique for promoting open discussion Describe the role of conflict in team meetings and discussions

3 Goal of Facilitators Goals Manage/enhance communication rather than block it Create a sense of connection Develop a sense of worth Display a sense of interest and caring

4 Roles of Facilitators Listener rather than talker Problem clarifiers; not owner Embracer of conflict; not avider

5 Process Observer Role Step back – focuses on process vs. Content States to group what he/she has seen without judging Asks group to evaluate effectiveness of their process Facilitates discussion about what went well and what could be improved at end of every meeting

6 When are facilitating Skills important Promote discussion at meetings Presentations Resolving conflicts Negotiations Problem-Solving Goal-Setting Performance reviews

7 Facilitation Is Not The facilitator doing most of the talking Letting two or three people dominate conversations and decision-making A surrender of control and responsibility Trying to “democratically” persuade people toward your ideas

8 Key Facilitating Skills Active listening Observation Asking questions Clarifying and verifying Summarizing and connecting

9 Brainstorming Process Phase I – Silent Idea Generation: participants individually write down all their ideas Phase II – Round Robin Recording: facilitator takes one idea at a time from each participant and posts on flipchart until all ideas are recorded Phase III – Clarification: participants and facilitator review list, facilitator works with participants to clarify or combine similar ideas or delete repeats

10 Brainstorming Ground Rules Phase I – Silent Idea Generation: be creative, write short, concise phrases using key words only Phase II – Round robin recording: keep pace brisk (no stopping to evaluate or clarify), “pass” if you are out of ideas or stuck Phase III – Clarification: ask for clarification not defense of an idea

11 Effective Discussion Model Planning –Clarify objective –Develop agenda –Coordinate logistics Conducting –State intended outcome and keep discussion focused –Clarify ground rules Follow-up –Summarize discussion and review tasks –Ensure minutes go out and maintain contact

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