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November 16th, 2015 Arrwa Mogalli Howe Elementary Strategy Groups.

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Presentation on theme: "November 16th, 2015 Arrwa Mogalli Howe Elementary Strategy Groups."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 16th, 2015 Arrwa Mogalli Howe Elementary Strategy Groups

2 What are strategy groups? How do teachers form strategy groups? What are the key components? What is the procedure for implementing a strategy group? What you can do at home with your child? This session is designed to explain:

3 Planned to be aligned to Common Core Standards 2-3 students per group 5-10 minutes long Flexible It is not about the book or the level. It’s about the strategy. Above level students do not have to be seen daily. Strategy Groups are…

4 Teachers review data choose a strategy. Data is selected from… Observations Classroom assessments District assessments State assessments How do we form Strategy Groups?

5 Procedure 1.Review and discuss the strategy 2.Model Teacher models new strategy or can use a student to model the strategy if it was previously taught. 3.Practice Students practice strategy with teacher support. Students practice without teacher guidance. 4.One on One

6 Strategy Group Video

7 What you can do at Home with your child? Retelling strategy Retelling Graphic Organizer Summarizing strategy Summary Graphic Organizer Upper Elementary Summary Graphic Organizer Lower Elementary

8  If you have any questions please feel free to email me @ or post a comment on my blog Thank you!

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