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Professional Development Session Literacy K-5 Close Reading Instructional Strategy Presenter: Dr. Wendy Perry.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Development Session Literacy K-5 Close Reading Instructional Strategy Presenter: Dr. Wendy Perry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Development Session Literacy K-5 Close Reading Instructional Strategy Presenter: Dr. Wendy Perry

2  Close Reading is a careful and purposeful rereading of a text. It’s an encounter with the text where students really focus on what the author had to say, what the author’s purpose was, what the words mean, and what the structure of the text tells us.

3  Common core standards requires student to justify their answer and give evidence to support answers.  Close reading is a way to allow students to read carefully for explicit details and understanding the authors purpose and structure of writing.  Close reading targets 21 Century skills. (communication, critical thinking, collaboration and creativity)

4  A significant body of research links the close reading of complex text—whether the student is a struggling reader or advanced—to significant gains in reading proficiency and finds close reading to be a key component of college and career readiness. (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, 2011, p. 7)

5 Begin with an engaging opening to spark students interest.  Sponge activity- generate discussion and collaboration on a topic.  Visuals  Video  Share a scenario

6  Introduce the standards  Explain and model the performance task Detectives at work!  1. Students will read informational text passages independently using a magnifying lens. (Be a detective)  2. Identify the main idea and search for evidence. (highlight the main idea and cite evidence from the passage. (key ideas and details)  3. Re-read a second time paying close attention to word phrases and their meaning from the text. (craft & structure)  4. Read a third time and compare and contrast similar text. (integration of knowledge). Hula hoop the text visual graphic organizer

7  Students share their responses to the text.  Interactive notebook entry  Students give feedback to presenter  Generate questions to dig deeper for more information on a particular topic.

8  Narrative writing using evidence to support thoughts on a topic.  Integrate technology to search for articles and other text on topic. Compare and contrast text. Compare Contrast

9 Formative assessments  Quick checks- oral answer responses  Observations  Presentations  Open- ended responses Summative Assessments  Benchmarks  Teacher created assessments on POINT

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