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2015 Accelerated China and Western Imperialism Lesson Plan Date and Number Your Papers: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Thursday, May 14,

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Presentation on theme: "2015 Accelerated China and Western Imperialism Lesson Plan Date and Number Your Papers: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Thursday, May 14,"— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 Accelerated China and Western Imperialism Lesson Plan Date and Number Your Papers: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Thursday, May 14, 2015 Friday, May 15, 2015---Ms. Barben is out today to attend graduation at Virginia Tech!

2 Day One: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Quiet Question: Type Two Prompt---One of the themes of this course has been to learn from the past to be better leaders and decision-makers for the future. Sometimes students have a hard time applying religious or philosophical ideas to the contemporary world. So we are going to read an article from Forbes Magazine that applies Confucius’ ideas. You are to follow along and use Active Reading Strategies as the teacher reads it aloud. Then you and your partner using your notes from the last lesson will answer the Reflection Questions. Reflection Questions: a)What are the three main ideas of Confucius addressed in this reading? b)Looking back at the other THREE East Asian Philosophies, identify AT LEAST ONE IDEA for each that is applicable to the world today and explain why with examples.


4 How is a man to live in a world dominated by chaos, suffering, and absurdity?? Confucianism --> Moral order in society. Legalism --> Rule by harsh law & order. Daoism --> Freedom for individuals and less govt. to avoid uniformity and conformity.

5 PhilosophyGoalHow Achieved Influence Confucianism Founder: Confucius Confucianism A just and peaceful society All people must respect and obey those above them. Those with authority should set a good example. Civil servants were hired on the bases of ability and had to pass tests. Values such as respect for elders, proper behavior and love of scholarship became part of Chinese culture.

6 PhilosophyGoalHow Achieved Influence Daoism Founder: Laozi Simple and natural living. Happiness and peace were gained by living in harmony with nature. Rulers were encouraged to rule less harshly. Influenced Chinese thought, writing and art. Daoism developed into a popular religion.

7 PhilosophyGoalHow Achieved Influence Legalism Founder: Hanfeizi Legalism Peace and order in society Rulers should establish strict laws with rewards for good behavior and harsh punishment for bad behavior. The Qin dynasty used legalist ideas to build a strong central government and well-organized society.

8 SHINTO Shinto is animistic and polytheistic, and devotees worship the Kami deities and spirits, and ancestors. Japan’s indigenous and largest religion. It is syncretic with Buddhism. During the Meiji Period, Shinto was declared Japan’s official state religion, and the religion of the Emperor. There are three main types: SHRINE SHINTO SECT SHINTO FOLK SHINTO

9 Day One: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Class: In China from ancient times until the 20 th century, the people applied their religious philosophies to their governments through the concept of the Mandate of Heaven. This was established by the Zhou Dynasty in 1045 BC to justify the overthrowing of the previous government. A mandate is a command. So the Zhou said that the deities in heaven ordered the Zhou to overthrow the previous Shang ruler. According to the Mandate of Heaven, the king and all later emperors ruled by divine right. Their power came from the gods. In time, this theory was expanded. Rulers did not always act in the best interest of the people, so the Mandate of Heaven gave the people the right to rebel and overthrow the corrupt and ineffective ruler. The result was the dynastic cycle that allowed the rise, rule, and then fall of a dynasty over a number of years. And the Mandate of Heaven became the basis for the way the Chinese changed their rulers. This is illustrated in the following flowcharts. So when the Europeans came to China under imperialism and exerted control over the current ineffective Chinese emperor, the Mandate of Heaven came into play once again.

10 Day One: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 With this lesson, we will be examining how European imperialism affected the history and development of China. Pay close attention to the similarities and patterns as you think about what we learned about Western Imperialism in Africa and South Asia!

11 Day One: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Class: The teacher is going to begin her China and Western Imperialism PowerPoint Lecture. You will be taking notes in the Timeline Graphic Organizer provided for you. You will do this in EITHER BLACK OR BLUE PEN OR PENCIL! Homework: You will be reading the photocopied supplemental reading entitled “China Resists Outside Influence” and adding to the Timeline Graphic Organizer PowerPoint Notes. It is very important that you take good notes, as the teacher will not be covering some concepts in great detail. You need the reading notes for the upcoming Summative Assessment East Asia Propaganda Poster and for the Final Exam! Chunking: Night One: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Read and take notes in RED, ORANGE, PINK, OR PURPLE PEN from pages 1-7. Night Two: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Read and take notes in RED, ORANGE, PINK, OR PURPLE PEN from pages 8-14.

12 Day Two: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Class: The teacher is going to continue with the PowerPoint Lecture, and you should continue with the Timeline Notes. Homework: Finish the reading and note-taking. It will be checked the next class period for Class Participation Points.

13 Day Three: Thursday, May 14, 2015 Class: The teacher is going to finish the PowerPoint Lecture, and you should finish up the Timeline Notes. Homework: Summative Assessment---One of the key Social Studies skills is the understanding of propaganda strategies. As a citizen in America, we are constantly exposed to different forms of propaganda in posters, commercials, bumper stickers, etc….So to be an educated citizen who can make his own decisions and not be manipulated, it is important to understand what the propaganda strategies are and how they are used. ***REALIZE IF YOU SELECT ONE OF THE JAPAN TOPICS YOU WILL HAVE TO GO AHEAD TO THE POWERPOINT FOR THE NEXT LESSON TO GET THE NOTES YOU NEED FOR THE PRE-WRITE AND TO KEEP PACE WITH THE CHUNKING!!!***

14 Day Three: Thursday, May 14, 2014 2015 Summative Assessment East Asia and Western Imperialism Propaganda Poster Grade Sheet 1.__________It was turned in on time. For each day late, it is 10% off the value.______________ 2.__________The student created the propaganda poster from either the CHINESE OR JAPANESE viewpoint depending on what topic you select and appropriately represented their views on the specific historical issue of: Possible Topics for Propaganda Poster---CHOOSE ONLY ONE: Worth 10 Points China: Threat of Opium and First Opium War China: Taiping Rebellion China: Self-Strengthening Movement China: Hundred Days Reform China: Open Door Policy and Spheres of Influence China: Boxer Rebellion Japan: Arrival of Commodore Perry and Treaty of Kanagawa Japan: Fall of Tokugawa Shogunate and Meiji Restoration Japan: Meiji Political Reforms Japan: Meiji Military Reforms Japan: Meiji Economic Reforms Japan: Meiji Social Reforms Japan: Meiji Cultural Reforms Japan: Russo-Japanese War

15 Day Three: Thursday, May 14, 2015 3._________The student had a clever and appropriate slogan that reflected the core of the issue from the chosen viewpoint and used one of the following: Worth 10 Points Alliteration Rhymes Pun Plays off a commonly known phrase Uses a historical slogan or part of a primary source quote 4._________The student used a MINIMUM of ONE of the DIFFERENT propaganda strategy appropriately in the poster from the list below: Worth 15 Points Name-Calling Glittering or Sweeping Generalities Testimonial Bandwagon Fear Loaded or Emotional Words Scapegoats Black and White Red Herring Repetition Appeal to Numbers, Facts, and Statistics Circular Arguments

16 Day Three: Thursday, May 14, 2015 5.________The student used HISTORICAL IMAGES from the PowerPoints or the Word Document of Historical Images uploaded on the teacher page within the poster effectively in support of the position taken. Worth 10 Points They should be in color. They must be either a photo of a key figure, of an event or events, or a map. The Historical Images can be combined with your own drawings. 6.________The student wrote a MINIMUM OF THREE WELL-DEVELOPED PARAGRAPHS. Worth 60 Points A well-developed paragraph consists of a minimum of SIX strong well-developed sentences. The sentences should identify and define, explain and provide examples, or analyze the content and historical relationships like cause and effect, etc. Looking for strong historical content and analysis! Paragraph One: Explained the core issue and answer the 5 Ws and How and Effects Explained the viewpoint of the issue from the Chinese or Japanese and the Western point of view Explained why you chose the topic for the poster Paragraph Two: Explained the thought process behind the slogan and how it represents the chosen viewpoint on the issue Explained the choice of images used in the poster and how it supports the chosen viewpoint on the issue Paragraph Three: Explained the chosen propaganda strategy used by defining it, how it was used in the poster, and why it was chosen

17 Day Three: Thursday, May 14, 2015 7.__________The propaganda poster was done neatly, in color, typed, spell-checked, grammar-checked, and edited for capitalization errors. If not, it is 10% off the value. Total:/105 Points Chunking of Propaganda Poster Assessment: Night One: Thursday, May 14, 2015 Decide on what historical issue you are doing and why. Do the pre-write of the historical information on the topic and how you will use it. Decide on ONE DIFFERENT propaganda strategy you are going to use and write down in your pre-write how and why. Night Two: Friday, May 15, 2015 Come up with your slogan for the poster. Find or draw the historical images for the poster. Be sure you are using the chosen propaganda strategy. Do a rough draft or sketch of the art part.

18 Day Three: Thursday, May 14, 2015 Night Three: Monday, May 18, 2015 Do the pre-write for the three paragraphs making sure you are including the required information. Do a rough draft of your three paragraphs. Night Four: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Create the final draft of the art part in color and making any necessary revisions. Print it up. Night Five: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 Edit your paragraphs against the directions and the grade sheet. Print it up. Staple the grade sheet, the poster, and the written paragraphs together to turn in for next class period. DUE: Thursday, May 21, 2015

19 Day Four: Friday, May 15, 2015 Groups: Formative Assessment---You and your group members are going to work with a political cartoon on Western Imperialism in China. Each group will be assigned a different historical political cartoon to work with from the class set. You will answer the corresponding questions using information from your Timeline Notes. This will be collected the next class period. You have the class period today to complete. Everyone must fill out the Political Cartoon Worksheet.

20 Political Cartoon One:

21 Political Cartoon Two:

22 Political Cartoon Three:

23 Political Cartoon Four:

24 Political Cartoon Five:

25 Political Cartoon Six:

26 Political Cartoon Seven:

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