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Assist.Prof.Dr. Mehmet KARATAŞ Department of History of Medicine and Ethics


3 Medicine in Islamic World
Islam appeared as another monotheistic religion in the middle east and spread into Near East, Africa and Spain. Many Greek and Roman writings were translated into Arabic. In later centuries they were translated to Latin, which would be one of the main sources of Renaissance in Europe later on.

4 Gazan han / Chines philosopher

5 Pulse


7 Pregnant woman

Loss of Greek and Roman works (Europe) Translation of Greek and Roman works

9 İbni Sina / Galen

10 Medicine in Islamic World
Priest Nestorious – His followers started the Gondichapur school in Persia. This movement involved translation of Ancient and especially Greek written sources to Assyrian and then to Arabic languages.

11 Diseases Scabies Mediastinitis Tuberculosis Pericarditis

12 Medicine in Islamic World
Muslim physicians gave great importance to clinical observation. They gave great importance to establishing of hospitals. Diseases did not cause stigmatization for patients, and special attention was paid to eye diseases.




16 Treatment Cauterization Anesthesia Herbal therapy

17 Leprosy / Cauterization

18 Famous Physicans in Islamic World
Rhazes (Razi) Abulcasis (Abul Kasım Zahravi) Avicenna (Ibni Sina)

19 Famous Physicans in Islamic World
Rhazes (Razi ) (Persian) was not only a brilliant bedside teacher but also a independent thinker. He was not afraid to write his own observations. His book Al-Hawi summarized the medical and surgical knowledge of his time.

20 Famous Physicans in Islamic World
Abulcasis (Abul Kasim Zahravi ) mostly wrote on surgery and his book al-Tasrif, had a great influence the Christian west.

21 Famous Physicans in Islamic World
Avicenna ( AD) (Arabian) was not only known in Islamic world but so influential through all history of medicine for many centuries. He was known one of the most important and famous three physicians of all centuries with Hippocrates and Galen. His book The Canon (Kanun) was and translated to other languages and many teachers, students and practitioners based their medical knowledge to this book for many centuries. Even the medical universities in the west until mid 17th century used Kanun as a textbook for medical education.

22 Physicans in Islamic World
Farabi ( ): Physician and philosopher.

23 Physicans in Islamic World
Biruni ( ) Mathematician, physician. “Kitap al saydala”- a pharmacology book, translated to other languages from Asyrian language.

24 Physicans in Islamic World
Ibn Rüşd ( ) (cordoba) Physician and philosopher.

25 Physicans in Islamic World
Ibn al-Nefis ( ): Described the pulmonary circulation, criticized Galen’s anatomical teachings.

26 Things to remember The particular period in Islamic civilisation represents a unique era. Arabic became the language of science and knowledge. Many works from Roman and Greek were translated to Arabic. Avicenna ! Many distinguished physicians and scholars, including Razi, Zahrawi, Farabi, Biruni etc..

27 Konuyla İlgili SORU/CEVAP
İslam medeniyetindeki ünlü tıp hekimlerine örnek hangileridir? Cevap 1: İbni Sina, Zahravi, Razi Soru 2: İbni Sina’nın ünlü eserinin adı nedir? Cevap 2: Kanun

28 References A. Selim ATAY, İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, translation Tolga GÜVEN, Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Tarihi ve Etik AD ders notları Ali Haydar BAYAT, Tıp Tarihi Emine ATABEK, Şefik GÖRKEY, Başlangıcından Rönesansa Kadar Tıp Tarihi Çağlar Boyu Tıp, Roche Yayınları


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