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Chapter 3Atoms and Elements 3.6 Isotopes and Atomic Mass 1  24 Mg 25 Mg 26 Mg 12 12 12 Copyright © 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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1 Chapter 3Atoms and Elements 3.6 Isotopes and Atomic Mass 1  24 Mg 25 Mg 26 Mg 12 12 12 Copyright © 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

2 Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different mass numbers. have the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons. 2

3 Atomic Symbol An atomic symbol represents a particular atom of an element. gives the mass number in the upper left corner and the atomic number in the lower left corner. Example: An atom of sodium with atomic number 11 and a mass number 23 has the following atomic symbol: mass number 23 Na atomic number 11 3

4 Information from Atomic Symbols The atomic symbol for a specific atom of an element gives the number of protons (p + ), number of neutrons (n), and number of electrons (e - ). 4

5 Information from Atomic Symbols Examples of number of subatomic particles for atoms Atomic symbol 16 31 65 O P Zn 8 15 30 8 p + 15 p + 30 p + 8 n16 n 35 n 8 e - 15 e - 30 e - 5

6 Learning Check Naturally occurring carbon consists of three isotopes: 12 C, 13 C, and 14 C. State the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in each of the following: 12 C 13 C 14 C 6 6 6 protons ______ ______ ______ neutrons ______ ______ ______ electrons______ ______ ______ 6

7 Learning Check Write the atomic symbols for atoms with the following subatomic particles: A. 8 p +, 8 n, 8 e - ___________ B. 17p +, 20n, 17e - ___________ C. 47p +, 60 n, 47 e - ___________ 7

8 Learning Check 1. Which of the pairs are isotopes of the same element? 2. In which of the pairs do both atoms have 8 neutrons? A. 15 X 15 X 8 7 B. 12 X 14 X 6 6 C. 15 X 16 X 7 8 8

9 Isotopes of Magnesium 9

10 10

11 Isotopes of Sulfur A sample of naturally occurring sulfur contains several isotopes with the following abundances Isotope % abundance 32 S 95.02 33 S 0.75 34 S 4.21 36 S 0.02 11 32 S, 33 S, 34 S, 36 S 16 16 Copyright © 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

12 Atomic Mass The atomic mass of an element is listed below the symbol of each element on the periodic table. gives the mass of an “average” atom of each element compared to 12 C. is not the same as the mass number. 12 Na 22.99

13 Isotopes of Some Elements and Their Atomic Mass 13 Most elements have two or more isotopes that contribute to the atomic mass of that element.

14 Atomic Mass for Cl The atomic mass of chlorine is due to all the Cl isotopes. not a whole number. the average of two isotopes: 35 Cl and 37 Cl. 14

15 Learning Check Using the periodic table, specify the atomic mass of each element. A.calcium__________ B. aluminum__________ C. lead__________ D. barium__________ E. iron__________ 15

16 Calculating Atomic Mass The calculation for atomic mass requires the percent(%) abundance of each isotope. atomic mass of each isotope of that element. sum of the weighted averages. mass of isotope(1)x (%) + mass of isotope(2) x (%) + 100 100 16

17 Calculating Atomic Mass for Cl 35 Cl has atomic mass 34.97 amu (75.76%) and 37 C has atomic mass 36.97 amu (24.24%). Use atomic mass and percent of each isotope to calculate the contribution of each isotope to the weighted average. Atomic mass 35 Cl x % abundance = Atomic mass 37 Cl x % abundance = Sum is atomic mass of Cl is 17

18 Calculating Atomic Mass Mg Isotope Mass Abundance 24 Mg = 23.99 amu x 78.70/100 = 18.88 amu 25 Mg = 24.99 amu x 10.13/100 = 2.531 amu 26 Mg = 25.98 amu x 11.17/100 = 2.902 amu Atomic mass (average mass) Mg = 24.31 amu 24 Mg is the most prevalent isotope in a magnesium sample 18

19 Atomic Mass of Magnesium The atomic mass of Mg is due to all the Mg isotopes. is a weighted average. is not a whole number. 19

20 Learning Check Gallium is an element found in lasers used in compact disc players. In a sample of gallium, there is 60.10% of 69 Ga (atomic mass 68.926) atoms and 39.90% of 71 Ga (atomic mass 70.925) atoms. What is the atomic mass of gallium? Which isotope has more atoms? 20

21 Chapter 3 Atoms and Elements 3.7 Electron Energy Levels 21 Copyright © 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

22 Energy Levels Energy levels are assigned numbers n = 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. increase in energy as the value of n increases. are like the rungs of a ladder with the lower energy levels nearer the nucleus. 22

23 Energy Levels Energy levels have a maximum number of electrons equal to 2n 2. Energy levelMaximum number of electrons n = 12(1) 2 = 2(1) = 2 n = 22(2) 2 = 2(4) = 8 n = 32(3) 2 = 2(9) = 18 23

24 Orbitals An orbital is a three-dimensional space around a nucleus, where an electron is most likely to be found. has a shape that represents electron density (not a path the electron follows). can hold up to 2 electrons. 24

25 Orbitals A p orbital has a two-lobed shape. is one of three p orbitals in each energy level from n = 2. 25 An s orbital has a spherical shape around the nucleus. is found in each energy level.

26 Orbitals 26

27 Electron Level Arrangement In the electron level arrangement for the first 18 elements electrons are placed in energy levels (1, 2, 3, etc.), beginning with the lowest energy level there is a maximum number in each energy level. Energy levelNumber of electrons 12 (up to He) 28 (up to Ne) 38 (up to Ar) 42 (up to Ca) 27

28 Learning Check Write the electron level arrangement for each: 1. N 2. Cl 3. K 28

29 Learning Check Identify the element with each electron level arrangement: 1. 2, 2 2. 2, 8, 3 3. 2, 7 29

30 Chapter 3 Atoms and Elements 3.8 Periodic Trends 30 Copyright © 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

31 Valence Electrons The valence electrons determine the chemical properties of the elements. are the electrons in the highest energy level. are related to the group number of the element. Example: Phosphorus has 5 valence electrons. 5 valence electrons P in Group 5A(15) 2, 8, 5 31

32 Groups and Valence Electrons All the elements in a group have the same number of valence electrons. Example: Elements in group 2A (2) have two (2) valence electrons. Be2, 2 Mg 2, 8, 2 Ca 2, 8, 8, 2 Sr 2, 8, 18, 8, 2 32

33 Periodic Table and Valence Electrons Representative Elements Group Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 H He 1 2 Li Be B C N O F Ne 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar 2,8,1 2,8,2 2,8,3 2,8,4 2,8,5 2,8,6 2,8,7 2,8,8 33

34 Learning Check State the number of valence electrons for each. A. O 1) 42) 63) 8 B. Al 1) 132) 33) 1 C. Cl 1) 22) 53) 7 34

35 Learning Check State the number of valence electrons for each. A. calcium 1) 12) 23) 3 B. group 6A (16) 1) 22) 43) 6 C. tin 1) 22) 43) 14 35

36 Learning Check For the element with the following electron arrangement: 1) State the number of valence electrons. 2) Identify the element. A. 2, 8, 5 B. 2, 8, 8, 2 C. 2, 7 36

37 Electron-Dot Symbols An electron-dot symbol shows the valence electrons around the symbol of the element. for Mg has 2 valence electrons as single dots on the sides of the symbol Mg... ·Mg · or Mg · or ·Mg or ·Mg · 37

38 Writing Electron-Dot Symbols Electron-dot symbols for groups 1A (1) to 4A (14) use single dots. · · Na · · Mg · · Al · · C · · groups 5A (15) to 7A (17) use pairs and single dots. · · · · · P · : O · · · 38

39 Groups and Electron-Dot Symbols In a group, all the electron-dot symbols have the same number of valence electrons (dots). Example: Atoms of elements in Group 2A (2) each have 2 valence electrons. · Be · · Mg · · Ca · · Sr · · Ba · 39

40 Learning Check. A. X is the electron-dot symbol for 1) Na2) K3) Al.. B.. X.. is the electron-dot symbol of 1) B2) N3) P 40

41 The Orbitals Orbitals are grouping in group according to the angular- momentum quantum number l is called subshells. Types of orbitals Notations: s, p, d, f

42 11.9 - Electron Arrangements in the First Eighteen Atoms on the Periodic Table Recall: Atomic number (Z) = # electrons = # protons Electron configuration: describes the orbitals that are occupied by the electrons in an atom Orbital diagrams: describe the orbitals with arrows representing electrons a. Arrows are written up or down to denote electron’s spin

43 Electrons Configuration Shorthand version – give the symbol of the noble gas in the previous row to indicate electrons in filled shells, and then specify only those electrons in unfilled shells E.g Shorthand version of P: [Ne] 3s 2 3p 3 The valence-shell electrons are the outer most shell of electron E.gValence electrons of P is 5

44 Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table Write the full electron configuration short hand notation Determine the valence electrons Na, O, Cl, Mg, S, Cu,

45 Atomic Size 45 Atomic size is described using the atomic radius; the distance from the nucleus to the valence electrons.

46 Atomic Radius Within A Group Atomic radius increases going down each group of representative elements. 46

47 Atomic Radius Across a Period Going across a period from left to right, an increase in the number of protons increases attraction for valence electrons. atomic radius decreases. 47 Copyright © 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

48 Learning Check Select the element in each pair with the larger atomic radius. A. Li or K B. K or Br C. P or Cl 48

49 Ionization Energy Ionization energy is the energy it takes to remove a valence electron. Na(g) + Energy (ionization) -> Na + (g) + e - 49

50 Ionization Energy In a Group Going up a group of representative elements, the distance decreases between nucleus and valence electrons. the ionization energy increases. 50

51 Ionization Energy Metals have lower ionization energies. Nonmetals have higher ionization energies. 51 Copyright © 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

52 Learning Check Select the element in each pair with the higher ionization energy. A. Li or K B. K or Br C. P or Cl 52

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