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CRUCIFIXION OF JESUS Roman Governor Pontius Pilate allowed Jesus to be crucified 1) BLASPHEMY 2) PLOTTING TO BECOME KING 3) FEAR OF INCITING REVOLT DAY.

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1 CRUCIFIXION OF JESUS Roman Governor Pontius Pilate allowed Jesus to be crucified 1) BLASPHEMY 2) PLOTTING TO BECOME KING 3) FEAR OF INCITING REVOLT DAY 2 DAY 2

2 CORE REASONS FOR CRUCIFIXION OF JESUS POWER Jesus would weaken Judaism and power of High Priest, Pharisees, and Temple MONEY Rome wanted to keep its steady stream of TAX $$ CORE REASONS FOR CRUCIFIXION OF JESUS POWER Jesus would weaken Judaism and power of High Priest, Pharisees, and Temple MONEY Rome wanted to keep its steady stream of TAX $$

3 RESURRECTION OF JESUS Jesus arose 3 days later  EASTER  Christians believe in resurrection of Jesus  Jesus = Messiah

4 “12 APOSTLES” “a person sent forth”

5 MARTYRDOM OF PETER Peter traveled to Rome  crucified upside down by Nero Peter viewed as 1 st “Bishop” or Pope of the Christian Church  today all Popes are believed to be descendants of St. Peter  “Apostolic Succession”  Early Christian church was called the “Catholic” C hurch  Catholic means “Universal”



8 SAUL to PAUL Persecuted Christians blinded by God on road to Damascus – Jesus asked “ why are you persecuting me ?” converts to Christianity Paul was a Roman citizen, so he could travel freely throughout the empire spread to Gentiles Persecuted Christians blinded by God on road to Damascus – Jesus asked “ why are you persecuting me ?” converts to Christianity Paul was a Roman citizen, so he could travel freely throughout the empire spread to Gentiles CHANGES NAME TO PAUL Saul was his Hebrew name….Paul was his Roman name by his father…it was also not attached to his Jewish past, but his Gentile future CHANGES NAME TO PAUL Saul was his Hebrew name….Paul was his Roman name by his father…it was also not attached to his Jewish past, but his Gentile future

9 REASONS FOR GROWTH OF CHRISTIANITY IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE How can Christianity grow in an empire that is trying to end it? 1.Security of the Roman Empire allowed citizens and ideas to freely move around 2.Common Language of Greek throughout Empire (Alexander the Great) 3.Road System throughout the empire 4.Fatalism of Roman Religion  when you die there is nothing else  People liked the “Hope” of Christianity  belief in an afterlife 5.Persecution of Christians  “ blood of the martyrs is the seed of Christianity ”

10 CHRISTIANITY BECOMES ONLY RELIGION 312 Constantine becomes 1 st Christian Emperor  Battle of Milvian Bridge  “in this sign conquer”  Edict of Milan 380 Theodosius makes Christianity the official religion 476 Western Roman Empire falls  Christian Church will become the main uniting and stabilizing force in W. Europe

11 Christianity after fall of Rome during “Dark Ages” POLITICALLY structure itself like a “government”  Stability  Education  morality RELIGIOUSLY  Ensure uniformity in making decisions over: o beliefs o practices and rituals  Prevent priests or bishops from acting independently  Provide orderly way to settle conflicts over doctrine or practices POLITICALLY structure itself like a “government”  Stability  Education  morality RELIGIOUSLY  Ensure uniformity in making decisions over: o beliefs o practices and rituals  Prevent priests or bishops from acting independently  Provide orderly way to settle conflicts over doctrine or practices Helped bring an end to the DARK AGES


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