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POULTRY FFEDS Dr. István HULLÁR, assoc. professor

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Presentation on theme: "POULTRY FFEDS Dr. István HULLÁR, assoc. professor"— Presentation transcript:

1 POULTRY FFEDS Dr. István HULLÁR, assoc. professor
1. Feeding Chickens; 2. Feeding Turkeys; 3. Feeding Ducks; 4. Feeding Geese.

Nutrients Starter Grower Finisher (0-10 d.) (11-24 d.) (25-slaughter) Crude Protein, % ME, MJ/kg Lys, g/kg Met + Cys, g/kg Linoleic Acid, % Ca, g/kg P (available), g/kg NaCl, %

3 How to express the nutrient requirements?
E.g. Setting up the CP content of the starter diet; 7-day-old chick CP req.: 7.3 g/day; DMI: 31 g/d; CP content of the starter diet: CP req./DMI = 7.3 (g/d)/31 (g/d) = 0.235 0.235*100 = 23.5%.

4 Protein:Energy ratio P:E ratio: protein (g/kg)/energy (MJ/kg).
But what type of protein and energy are used? Type of protein and energy used in the given species. Broiler chick (sarter): CP/ME = 235 (g/kg)/12.6 (MJ/kg) = g/MJ.

5 Groups of feeds used in poultry diets
Energy sources (60-70%): - cereal grains, Protein sources (30-40%): - legume seeds, - extr. oilseed meals, Supplements: - vitamins, minerals, - amino acids, energy, etc.; Physical form of diets: - mash, crumbles, pellets.


7 Corn - Proportion in Diets: 40-60%, - ME: 14 MJ/kg (the highest),
- CP: 10% (the lowest), - Lys: 2.7 g/kg, - EE: 4% (2% Linoleic acid), - taste, - yellow pigments: skin, egg yolk.

8 Wheat - Proportion in Diets: 10-30%, - CP: 13-14% (the highest),
- Pentosans, - less palatable to birds.

9 Barley - Proportion in Diets - 5-20%, - CF: 5-6%, - ß-glucans,
- for pullets.

10 Oat - ME: 10.7 MJ/kg (the lowest), - CF: 12% (the highest),
- good dietetic effect, - EE: 5% (the highest) – 1.5% linoleic acid (!), - for pullets, heavy type birds, geese.


12 Field Peas - proportion in diets: 15-20%, - CP: 20-25% (the lowest).

13 Horse Bean - proportion in diets: 15%, - CP: 25-30%,
- poor in Met (6 g/kg), - antinutritional factors (vicin, convicin, tannin).

14 Lupins - proportion in diets: 15%, - CP: 35-40% (the highest),
- antinutritional factors (lupinin, Lupanin) < 0,08%, - lupinosis (liver damage).

15 Soybeans - „full-fat” soybeans, - EE: 20%
- rich in linoleic and linolenic acids (85 g/kg), - antinutritional factors (trypsin inhibitors) heat treatment is required - energy source.


17 Extracted Soybean Meal
- Proportion in Diets: 10-40%, - CP: 45-50%, - Lys: 30 g/kg, Met: 15 g/kg  Met suppl.  BV, - antinutritional factors (e.g. tripstrypsin inhibitors)  heat treatment is required.

18 Extracted Sunflower Meal
- Proportion in Diets: 5-10%, - CP: 30-45%, - Lys: 11.5 g/kg, Met: 13.5 g/kg  Lys suppl.  BV, - CF: 12-30% (!), - not in starter diets.

19 Extracted Rapesed Meal
- Proportion in Diets: 10-20%, - CP: 35-40%, - Lys: 10 g/kg, Met: 16 g/kg  Lys suppl.  BV, - CF: 10-15%, - antinutritional factors (mustard oil, eruic acid, tannic acid), - 00 or 000 types.

20 Dilution of Energy Density
WHEAT BRAN - CP: 16%, - CF: 10-12%, - ME: 10.0 MJ/kg, - pullet diet.

21 Dilution of Energy Density
ALFALFA MEAL - CP: 20%, - CF: 25%, - ME: 7 MJ/kg, - pullet diet.

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