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Block Day- 3/7/12 Homework: -Design your own protein pathway Project- due Friday -Protein Pathways/Protein Structure QUIZ- FRI - DID YOU MISS MONDAY’S.

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Presentation on theme: "Block Day- 3/7/12 Homework: -Design your own protein pathway Project- due Friday -Protein Pathways/Protein Structure QUIZ- FRI - DID YOU MISS MONDAY’S."— Presentation transcript:

1 Block Day- 3/7/12 Homework: -Design your own protein pathway Project- due Friday -Protein Pathways/Protein Structure QUIZ- FRI - DID YOU MISS MONDAY’S CHECKUP?-

2 Serotonin Pathway

3 Homework Check Circle your answer: How does a MAO inhibitor treat depression? It decreases or increases the amount of serotonin. Circle your answer: If the AAAD enzyme doesn’t work, will there be higher or lower amounts of serotonin?

4 Serotonin Pathway

5 Serotonin Homework Answers: 1.Less serotonin 2.Higher serotonin 3.Lower serotonin 4.Blocks the enzyme MAO from working which keeps serotonin available and decreases depression.

6 Make an entry: Entry 19: Fruit Fly Eye Color- 3/7/12 Tape in picture and take notes

7 2-amino-4- hydroxypterdine (BLUE) tetrahydroiopterin biopterin (BLUE) drosopterin (ORANGE) sepiapterin (YELLOW) isosepiapterin (YELLOW) xanthopterin (GREEN-BLUE) isoxanthopterin (VIOLET-BLUE) Molecule A (colorless) PTERIDINE PIGMENTS OMMOCHROME PIGMENTS Molecule B (colorless) ommochrome pigment (BROWN) 3 1 5 4 6 2 9 7 810 In order to see pigments, they must be transported into specific areas of the eye cells. All the ommochrome and pteridine pigments use the same transport proteins (labeled as protein #10 on the network) Color of fly is result of mixture of all pigments in network Drosophila Eye Color Pigment Network

8 Wild TypeBrown Scarlet White

9 2-amino-4- hydroxypterdine (BLUE) tetrahydroiopterin biopterin (BLUE) drosopterin (ORANGE) sepiapterin (YELLOW) isosepiapterin (YELLOW) xanthopterin (GREEN-BLUE) isoxanthopterin (VIOLET-BLUE) Molecule A (colorless) PTERIDINE PIGMENTS OMMOCHROME PIGMENTS Molecule B (colorless) ommochrome pigment (BROWN) 3 1 5 4 6 2 9 7 810 In order to see pigments, they must be transported into specific areas of the eye cells. All the ommochrome and pteridine pigments use the same transport proteins (labeled as protein #10 on the network) Color of fly is result of mixture of all pigments in network Wild Type (red-brown)= need all 10 Brown= 9, 10 needed, must be missing #1 Red= need 1-8, 10- missing #9 White= missing #10- no way color transported

10 Metabolic Network Project Check box RequirementScore Name of organism _____/1 Starting protein _____/1 3 proteins that determine trait, with names _____/3 3 enzymes, with names _____/3 Drawing of organism with each trait _____/3 Explanation of what enzymes are needed for each trait _____/6 Creativity,clarity,neatness _____/3 TOTAL _____/20




14 Make an entry- Entry 20: Protein Quiz Review- 3/7/12

15 Lactose Glucose Lactase Galactose Key: Metabolites Enzyme reactions

16 Labrador (dog) pigmentation Tyrosine Dopaquinone Brown pigment Black pigment Yellow pigment tyrosinase TRP-2 TRP-1 Boxes = metabolites Arrows = enzymes that change the metabolites

17 Phenylalanine Homogentisic acid Tyrosine Tyramine Thyroxine Hydroxy- phenylpyruvate Dopa Dopamine Noradrenaline Adrenaline DopaquinoneMelanin Phenylpyruvate Maleyl- acetoacetate Prephenate 1 24 35 6

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