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Scientific Inquiry Peer Instruction Protocol.  A. Question  C. First Vote  B. Peer Discussion  C. Final Vote  D. Whole Class Discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Inquiry Peer Instruction Protocol.  A. Question  C. First Vote  B. Peer Discussion  C. Final Vote  D. Whole Class Discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Inquiry Peer Instruction Protocol

2  A. Question  C. First Vote  B. Peer Discussion  C. Final Vote  D. Whole Class Discussion

3 Identify the most reasonable responding variable. A. the type of organism used (Euglena) B. the concentration of nitrate solution C. the sunny location of the tanks D. the number of chloroplasts grown by Euglena 1

4 2 What is the question upon which this experiment is based?

5 Identify the most reasonable manipulated variable. A. the type of organism used (Euglena) B. the concentration of nitrate solution C. the sunny location of the tanks D. the number of chloroplasts grown by Euglena 3

6 Identify the most reasonable Experimental Control Condition (ECC). A. 0% nitrates B. 0.5% nitrates C. 1.0 % nitrates D. 2.0% nitrates 4 C. Vote

7 Three students did different experiments to determine the ability of potassium to cause sea urchins to release their gametes (sex cells). They had read that ions (particles with a positive or negative charge) can cause changes to nerve and muscle cells. Four containers of sea water were set up to contain 20 sea urchins each, with an equal mixture of male and female urchins of the same age and species. They wanted to see if the concentration of potassium ions injected into the sea urchins affected the amount of gametes they would shed. Which of the following factors could be considered a “validity measure” for this experiment? A. the number of urchins B. the use of brand new containers for each trial C. the sex of the sea urchins D. number of sperm or ova shed 5

8 Hypothesis: “If green-leaved seedlings are exposed to sunlight, then the seedlings will outcompete yellow seedlings because the colored pigments in green- leaved seedlings are better able to absorb sunlight and make sugars needed for the plant to live past germination.” Which of the following responses best supports the preceding hypothesis? A. The number of yellow-leaved seedlings in dish A on day 7 B. There are 15 surviving green-leaved seedlings on day 7 but only 5 surviving yellow-leaved seedlings in Dish B C. The death of all the yellow-leaved seedlings D. None of the above 6

9 7 A student placed 20 tobacco seeds of the same species on moist paper towels in each of two Petri dishes: Dish A and Dish B. Dish A was wrapped completely with a dark paper cover to block out all light. Dish B was not wrapped. The dishes were placed at an equal distance from a light source set to a cycle of 14 hours of light and 10 hours of dark. All other conditions were the same for both dishes. The dishes were examined after 7 days, and the dark paper cover was permanently removed from Dish A. Both dishes were returned to the light and examined again at 14 days. Which condition leads to a higher percentage of germinated seeds ? Describe the evidence upon which your inference is made.

10 8 A student placed 20 tobacco seeds of the same species on moist paper towels in each of two Petri dishes: Dish A and Dish B. Dish A was wrapped completely with a dark paper cover to block out all light. Dish B was not wrapped. The dishes were placed at an equal distance from a light source set to a cycle of 14 hours of light and 10 hours of dark. All other conditions were the same for both dishes. The dishes were examined after 7 days, and the dark paper cover was permanently removed from Dish A. Both dishes were returned to the light and examined again at 14 days. Which condition leads to a higher percentage of green-leaved seedlings surviving ? Describe the evidence upon which your inference is made.

11 9 Hypothesis: “If green-leaved seedlings are exposed to sunlight, then the seedlings will outcompete yellow seedlings because the colored pigments in green-leaved seedlings are better able to absorb sunlight and make sugars needed for the plant to live past germination.” Which of the following responses best supports the preceding hypothesis?. Which dish represents the control group ? A. Seeds wrapped in moist paper towels B. Seeds not wrapped in moist paper towels.

12 10 Hypothesis: “If green-leaved seedlings are exposed to sunlight, then the seedlings will outcompete yellow seedlings because the colored pigments in green-leaved seedlings are better able to absorb sunlight and make sugars needed for the plant to live past germination.” Which of the following responses best supports the preceding hypothesis?. What is the minimum number of trials that this experiment should be done in order to produce reliable results? A. one B. two C. three D. four

13 11 Which list correctly states the order of the Scientific Method ? (Note: Not every step is listed) A. upper left B. Upper right C. lower left D. lower right 1.Question 2.Title 3.Experimental Design 4.Conclusion 5.Collect data 6.Hypothesis 1.Title 2.Question 3.Hypothesis 4.Experimental Design 5.Collect data 6.Conclusion 1.Title 2.Question 3.Hypothesis 4.Experimental Design 5.Conclusion 6.Collect data 1.Collect data 2.Question 3.Hypothesis 4.Title 5.Experimental Design 6.Conclusion

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