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A ZTEC E MPIRE Where was the Aztec Empire located?

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Presentation on theme: "A ZTEC E MPIRE Where was the Aztec Empire located?"— Presentation transcript:

1 A ZTEC E MPIRE Where was the Aztec Empire located?

2 T IME P ERIOD FOR H EIGHT OF A ZTEC C IVILIZATION From around 1200-1500 AD the Aztec Civilization ruled in Central America.

3 I MPORTANCE OF A ZTEC C IVILIZATION : At its height, Aztec culture had rich and complex mythical and religious traditions, as well as remarkable architectural and artistic accomplishments. (

4 S PANISH C ONQUISTADOR : Hernan Cortes was best known for colonizing the Aztec Empire.

5 I NCAN E MPIRE Where was the Aztec Empire located?

6 T IME P ERIOD OF H EIGHT OF I NCAN E MPIRE From early 1400s to mid 1500s the Incan Empire ruled along the western coast of South America

7 I MPORTANCE OF I NCAN C IVILIZATION : The Inca Empire, was the largest empire in pre- colonial America. The center of the empire was located in Cusco, in modern-day Peru. From 1438 to 1533, the Incas used a variety of methods, from conquest to peaceful assimilation, to incorporate a large portion of western South America into their empire.

8 S PANISH C ONQUISTADOR : Fransisco Pizzarro was the Conquistador best known for conquering the Incan Empire.

9 T HE END OF THE A ZTEC & I NCA E MPIRE When the Spaniards colonized South and Central America, the Aztec and Inca people lost their power and were turned over to Spanish rule.

10 W HY DID THE S PANISH CHOOSE TO COLONIZE S OUTH A MERICA ? Central & South America had natural resources the Spanish could sell for profit The Spanish wanted to evangelize to the indigenous people of the New World. As you read, be sure to question if their intention of spreading their Christian faith was met…

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