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The Barbary Macaque Jake Taylor And Reggie [“steven”] Swoverland.

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Presentation on theme: "The Barbary Macaque Jake Taylor And Reggie [“steven”] Swoverland."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Barbary Macaque Jake Taylor And Reggie [“steven”] Swoverland

2 The Barbary Macaque Is a Species Of Endangered monkey living in the forests in Moroco and the Atlas Mountains They are endangered Because of habitat destruction In the forests.

3 The Macaque grows to about thirty inches and twenty nine pounds, but starts maturing at the age of three of four. They have a dark pink face and a yellow-ish brown coat. Its tail is small and doesn’t use it for climbing and balancing purposes

4 Its main food is leaves, roots and fruit but is a omnivore and sometimes eats insects. Every day the monkey works with its own kind patrolling their own territory. The monkeys also peacefully co-exist with other primates in their habitat, sharing their own watering holes and food with each other

5 The monkeys are the consumers of their ecosystem, not being eaten and not producing food for others.

6 The Barbary Macaque lives in the deep forests and gets water from watering holes, eats the local plants and lives in trees in the habitat

7 The population is decreasing at a alarming rate because of the logging business destroying their homes

8 The local sceintists are working to stop the logging business from destroying their home so this intelligent species of monkey won’t die out.

9 There is only 18000 left so the only way to stop the monkeys from extinction is to stop destroying the forests.

10 Every Action Has A Reaction We’ve Only Got One Planet One Shot

11 The End!

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