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Rhesus monkeys By Madilyn Hill. Description They weigth 8.72 to 26.5 lbs They travel in groups called troops They do not hibernate They are brown,black,

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Presentation on theme: "Rhesus monkeys By Madilyn Hill. Description They weigth 8.72 to 26.5 lbs They travel in groups called troops They do not hibernate They are brown,black,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rhesus monkeys By Madilyn Hill

2 Description They weigth 8.72 to 26.5 lbs They travel in groups called troops They do not hibernate They are brown,black, and white They breathes by there lungs

3 Habitat They live in India

4 Food They eat bananna and flowers They are omnivore

5 PROTECT They run away from preder

6 Unique or different characteristics They are born alive One baby a year The babies are called yong The babies are born with a litte of fur

7 Problems with my animal They are not in endangered

8 Conclusion I like my animal becaues me and my animal are both silly

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