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Monkeys and Apes Endangered? How can you help?. Who’s endangered? Global Warming puts just about every one of the 28,270 known animals at risk of becoming.

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Presentation on theme: "Monkeys and Apes Endangered? How can you help?. Who’s endangered? Global Warming puts just about every one of the 28,270 known animals at risk of becoming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monkeys and Apes Endangered? How can you help?

2 Who’s endangered? Global Warming puts just about every one of the 28,270 known animals at risk of becoming endangered More than 52 separate monkey species are endangered Every one of the world’s 22 species of apes are endangered

3 What’s causing extinction? 1.Deforestation/Glo bal Warming 2.Hunting: -Humans *Religious Practices. And Culture(court case) -Other animals *Chimps and monkeys

4 What’s being done to Prevent extinction?  Foundations/ Conservation sites -IPPL & National Wildlife Federation  Species are listed  Recovery plan enacted -Development -What it includes..

5 What can we do to prevent Extinction? 1.Adopt an animal 2.Support a foundation 3.Volunteer 4.Plant a tree 5.Increase public awareness

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