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Ministry of Energy & The Environment BARBADOS GEF Sub-Regional Workshop, Nassau Bahamas Oct. 2007 "Integrating GEF in Environment and Sustainable Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Ministry of Energy & The Environment BARBADOS GEF Sub-Regional Workshop, Nassau Bahamas Oct. 2007 "Integrating GEF in Environment and Sustainable Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ministry of Energy & The Environment BARBADOS GEF Sub-Regional Workshop, Nassau Bahamas Oct. 2007 "Integrating GEF in Environment and Sustainable Development Plans and Policies" Barbados’ Experience. By Rickardo Ward Ministry of Energy & the Environment

2 Ministry of Energy & The Environment BARBADOS GEF Sub-Regional Workshop, Nassau Bahamas Oct. 2007 Focus of the Presentation Barbados’ articulation of its sustainable development pursuits. Utilization of the GEF to-date Supporting mechanism (historical) Performance – a specific example. Revised National GEF Mechanism / Challenges for the future

3 Ministry of Energy & The Environment BARBADOS GEF Sub-Regional Workshop, Nassau Bahamas Oct. 2007 Coverage of GEF Focal Areas Within National Policy Documents - Barbados

4 Ministry of Energy & The Environment BARBADOS GEF Sub-Regional Workshop, Nassau Bahamas Oct. 2007 Barbados’ Utilization of the GEF – 1991-2007

5 Ministry of Energy & The Environment BARBADOS GEF Sub-Regional Workshop, Nassau Bahamas Oct. 2007 Barbados’ Utilization of the GEF – 1991-2007

6 Ministry of Energy & The Environment BARBADOS GEF Sub-Regional Workshop, Nassau Bahamas Oct. 2007 Barbados’ Utilization of the GEF – 1991-2007 Support for the Development of the National Biosafety Framework Others? Other GEF Supported Initiatives Other ongoing work in GEF relevant areas National ODS phase-out Programme (UNEP/Multilateral Fund) National Land Degradation Programme (UNCCD)

7 Ministry of Energy & The Environment BARBADOS GEF Sub-Regional Workshop, Nassau Bahamas Oct. 2007 National Supporting Mechanism (Past) Capacity issues: GEF not developed as an operational programme within Government. GEF projects developed and pursued almost exclusively by the Min. Of Environment. Driven by external influences – responding to the needs of international Conventions; limited work on on-the-ground activities Responsiveness of GEF Project development timeframes to Domestic needs. Observation: Weak alignment between definition of the national development agenda and the engagement of the GEF as a supporting mechanism SUCCESSES HAVE BEEN ACHIEVED ! (e.g: NBF, NBSAP, FNC…others)

8 Ministry of Energy & The Environment BARBADOS GEF Sub-Regional Workshop, Nassau Bahamas Oct. 2007 Performance – UNEP/GEF NBF Development Project Objective – Articulating the structure and functioning of a Barbados NBF National Executing Agency – MEE Supported by a Multi-Stakeholder National Coordinating Committee – (Environment, Agriculture, BNSI, IICA, UNEP…others) Consultants – Alleyne Planning Associates Operational Environment Constraints & Challenges Unpredictable Stakeholder and public participation Coordinative conflicts – Min. of Environment and Min. of Agriculture

9 Ministry of Energy & The Environment BARBADOS GEF Sub-Regional Workshop, Nassau Bahamas Oct. 2007 Performance – UNEP/GEF NBF Development Project National Competent Authority – Min of Agriculture Defined the full Admin. and Regulatory Systems required National Bio-safety Awareness Workshop – Jan 2007 Enhanced Collaborative arrangement between MEE and MAR Now working on BCH Project and Implementation Phase Project (significantly advanced).

10 Ministry of Energy & The Environment BARBADOS GEF Sub-Regional Workshop, Nassau Bahamas Oct. 2007 The Barbados NBF

11 Ministry of Energy & The Environment BARBADOS GEF Sub-Regional Workshop, Nassau Bahamas Oct. 2007 GEF as Supporting Mechanism for Integrating Global Environment (Present and Future) Promote greater awareness of the GEF policies and programes amongst Public Sector stakeholders (in particular). Generally promote knowledge of the GEF through uptake and utilization of the CSP facility. Provide project development support to stakeholders. Monitor National GEF portfolio w.r.t facilitating the pursuit of national development policies. Performing duties as alternate Council member for the Caribbean Constituency. GEF now assigned as an Operational Portfolio Still Concerns re. the responsiveness of the GEF as a facilitating mechanism to assist with the development and implementation of projects on the ground in a timely manner.

12 Ministry of Energy & The Environment BARBADOS GEF Sub-Regional Workshop, Nassau Bahamas Oct. 2007 THANK YOU

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