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“Everything you wanted to know but never knew about until now” presents …………………………. John Snow.

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Presentation on theme: "“Everything you wanted to know but never knew about until now” presents …………………………. John Snow."— Presentation transcript:


2 “Everything you wanted to know but never knew about until now” presents …………………………. John Snow

3 The Basics ► Often called the Father of Modern Epidemiology ► Way ahead of his time in theories and practice ► Specialized in cholera cases

4 What the heck is epidemiology? ► Comes from the word “epidemic” ► The branch of study that relates to the causes, distribution, and control of diseases in populations.

5 Back to Snow… ► His uneventful birth was on March 15, 1813 ► Went to a private school until he was 14 and become a surgical apprentice ► His parents were determined to give all of their children whatever education they could afford ► Interested in math, which might have helped his study on cholera.

6 What the heck is cholera? ► Caused by vibrio cholerae bacteria in intestine ► Severe diarrhea and dehydration ► Can kill within a day

7 Back to Snow… ► Served as a coal mine surgeon and assistant during the first London Cholera Epidemic of 1831-2 ► Went to Huntierian Medical school ► Received the unexpected honor of being accepted into the Royal College of Surgeons of England

8 And finally… ► John snow graduates M.D from the University of London in 1844

9 But wait! ► Snow was a rebel when it came to how he believed cholera was transmitted ► Opposed the commonly held idea that cholera was transmitted through breathing contaminated air, also called the miasma theory.

10 The Snow Theory ► Published his first work “On the Model of Communication of Cholera” in 1849 ► Earth-shattering proposal: Cholera reproduced in the human body and spread through food or water ► But he couldn’t prove it!! Yet!

11 Until…. ► 1854, when another cholera outbreak struck London, ► Snow rubbed his hands together and got to work, investigating two water companies.

12 HeHeHe!!! ► Snow found that London was supplied water by two companies, one of which pulled out water from the Thames river, famous for its filth, and the other from an downstream river.


14 So the Wily Snow… ► Plotted the location of deaths related to cholera around the London area ► Found a pattern and a big concentration of deaths ► Traced the source to the Broad Street pumps where 500 people had died in 10 days!

15 Ha Ha Hypocrite! ► City officials removed the Broad Street pump and the epidemic died off. ► Snow finally proved himself!

16 Snow’s End ► Died four years after his triumphant discovery, 1858, at the age of 45. ► Snow’s work remains a classic study of epidemiology and set the precedence for years to come.

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