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Unit 2: The Arab World Extremism & Terrorism. A Different Perspective “…all liberation movements are described as terrorists by those who have reduced.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2: The Arab World Extremism & Terrorism. A Different Perspective “…all liberation movements are described as terrorists by those who have reduced."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2: The Arab World Extremism & Terrorism

2 A Different Perspective “…all liberation movements are described as terrorists by those who have reduced them to slavery. …[The term] terrorist [can] hardly be held to persons who were denied the most elementary human rights, dignity, freedom and independence, and whose countries objected to foreign occupation.” Moulaye el-Hassan U.N. Ambassador from Mauritania “…the methods of combat used by national liberation movements could not be declared illegal while the policy of terrorism unleashed against certain peoples [by the armed forces of established states] was declared legitimate.” Cuban representative to the U.N.

3 So the questions become... When is the use of force acceptable? Who can use force? Nations, smaller groups? What makes a person a terrorist? Revolutionary or Terrorist??

4 Definitions Extremism: belief in and support for ideas that are very far from what most people consider correct or reasonable Terrorism: the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes, often targets civilians

5 Terrorism Terrorist – person whose extremist views have led them to believe violence is justified Cause – feel their cause is being neglected and/or ignored Violence – believe that they have no other option left but violence to bring attention to their cause, which will lead to change

6 Why have terrorists attacked the U.S? 1. OUR SUPPORT OF ISRAEL (think about the Arab/Israeli Conflict) 2. INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER WARS ex: First Gulf War (1991) 3. TROOPS STATIONED IN CERTAIN COUNTRIES ex: currently have troops in Afghanistan ex: also have military presence in Saudi Arabia, near Mecca 4. ECONOMIC POLICIES 5. BELIEVE “WESTERN” CULTURE IS DESTROYING THEIR CULTURE

7 9/11 -NYC

8 9/11 - Pentagon

9 9/11 - PA

10 9/11 Targets: WHY? NYC World Trade Center – Economics Pentagon – Foreign Policy Flight 93 – White House, Capitol Building?? To learn more about 9/11, go to: http://timeline.national911memor http://timeline.national911memor

11 Osama bin laden How did this man become an extremist/terrorist? To find out, go to: osama-timeline.html?_r=1& osama-timeline.html?_r=1&

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