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Energy in Our Life Gymnázium, Brno, Vídeňská 47. Energy in Our Life presents The summer electricity consumption measurements and comparison with winter.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy in Our Life Gymnázium, Brno, Vídeňská 47. Energy in Our Life presents The summer electricity consumption measurements and comparison with winter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy in Our Life Gymnázium, Brno, Vídeňská 47

2 Energy in Our Life presents The summer electricity consumption measurements and comparison with winter

3 At first… …we would like to explain two questions from the winter measurements.

4 In winter… …we found a house with a very low consumption. However, in summer the consumption was the highest there!!! And, they had changed the electrometer in the meantime... So, we do not know if there was a mistake or if the consumption changed so much…

5 The school… …had also a very, very low consumption. First we were searching for another electrometer in the school – there was none. Our investigation went on... …and we found out that to get the right consumption the number on the electrometer must be multiplied by 40!

6 In summer we got these data

7 From the data we got some conclusions…

8 Consumptions had quite a stable level

9 The average was 268 KWh per place

10 It made 76 KWh per person

11 Then we contrasted the summer results with the winter ones…

12 In winter the average was 327 KWh per place In summer the average was 268 KWh per place

13 Winter consumption of the school 9920 KWh Summer consumption of the school 6320 KWh

14 Less consumption in summer. Why? In summer lights are switched on for shorter time than in winter. In summer people go more often out and do not sit at computer so much. In summer people cook less. Some houses use electric heating in winter. However, air condition is not common in our country in summer yet.

15 What to do now We have to find ways how to manage energy - it means how to reduce energy consumption. It will be the main task of this project year! See you in Portugal and in France!

16 Thank you!

17 Energy in Our Life This project has been funded with support from the European Commission, within the frame of the Lifelong Learning Programme. This presentation reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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