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GENERAL ANAESTHETICS. What is the general anaesthetics ? A general anaesthetic is an agent used to produce a reversible loss of consciousness and sensation.

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2 What is the general anaesthetics ? A general anaesthetic is an agent used to produce a reversible loss of consciousness and sensation. What is surgical anaesthesia ? The term surgical anaesthesia is defined as the total unawareness of environment without appreciation of pain or other sensory perception and without memory of the experience. Give the anaesthetic effect on CNS ? All the anaesthetics produce the same effect on CNS and differ in their selection action on the higher centres,due to differences in their susceptibility.As the administration of anaesthetic agent begins,paralysis of body parts begins from the cortex and progresses to basal ganglia cerebellum spinal cord and finally to the medulla.Thus the complex function of the body are affected frist. What are four stages of anaesthesia? 1.Stage of analgesia : 2.stage of delirium 3. Stage of surgical anaesthesia

3 Beginning of surgical anaethesia. What is surgical anaesthesia? As more anaesthetic agent gets in deep breathing starts and the patient passes into the third stage of anaethesia.surgary can be done in this stage. How many plane include in surgical anaesthesia? There are four plane


5 Give the types of general anaethesia. 1.Volatile General anathesia a]liquid –diethyl ether,chloroform,etc b]Gases-nitrous oxide,ethylene,cyclopropane 2.Non-volatile general anaesthetics. a]Short acting barbiturates –Thiopentane sodium b]Non barbiturates-Ketamine

6 Give the uses of Nitrous oxide.{laufing gas } 1] nitrous oxide is commonly employed as adjunct to other anaesthutics agent 2] It is also employed for extraction of tooth, obstetrical analgesia and for certain painful procedures.

7 Give the use of diethyl-ether. 1.Ether is used as general anaesthetics. is use as safest anaesthetics and excellent analgesic. 3]it is used where spontaneous respiration are to be encoraged 4] it can be employed during delivery to reduce labour pains.

8 Give the uses of chloroform. 1]chloroform is a powerful anaesthetic agent but because of its several toxicity it is no longer used as a general anaesthetics agent except is obstetrical anaesthesia 2] Externally, chloroform is employed as counter – irritant and rubefacient. 3] dilute solution are administered internally as carminative, stomachic and flavouring agent. 4] it is also sometimes employed as vehicle for extraction of organic drugs.

9 Give the uses of Cyclopropane. 1] cyclopropane is used as a potent anaesthetic agent 2] It is a drug as of choice for anaesthesia in cases of thoracic and abdominal operations.

10 Give the uses of Thiopentone. 1] It is used intravenously for induction of anaesthesia and as a basal anaesthetic.

11 Enlist the properties of and Ideal anesthetic agents. 1] potency 2]Ease of administration 3] Induction and recovery 4] Inflammable and explosive 5] Muscle relaxant property 6] Analgesic property 7] Toxicity 8] Stability

12 Discribe the properties of and ideal anaesthetic agent. 1] Potency:- It shold have high potency so that adequate amount of oxygen can be administered with it. 2] Ease of administration :- It should not require any comlicated apparatus for administration i.e administration should be easy and simple. 3]Induction and explosive:- Both induction and recovrey of anaesthesia should be rapid and without any unplesant symptoms.

13 4] Inflammable and explosive :- It should be non –inflammable and misible with air or oxygen without the rick of fire or explosion. 5]Muscle relaxant property:- Anaesthetic agent should be capable of producing adqeuate muscle relaxation. 6]Analgesic property: -it should act as an effective analgesic 7]Toxicity:- it should be non-tixic and non-irritant. 8]Stability:- it should be cheap and should not have problems of stability.

14 What is the pre-anaesthetic medication? - Many times condition of the patient does not permit direct administration of anaesthetic agent,e.g. in presence of apprehension or pre-operation pains. –Similarly drugs are to be used to counteract the undesirable effects of anaesthetic agents. -In addition,an anaesthetic agent may be lacking one or the other intended property,e.g.adequate muscle relaxation. -Thus,for a variety of reasons drugs are administered before,during and after the administration of anaesthetic agent.

15 What is the defination of pre-anaesthetic medication? Pre-anaestheticmedication refers to the use of betanaesthetic agent to prepare the patient for safer and ter use of an aesthetic agent.

16 Give reasons for pre-anaesthetic medication. 1]To reduce exciement which may be due to apprehension and/or anxiety. 2]To relive pre-operative pains. 3] To counteract some of the adverse effects of anaesthetic agent. 4] To have synergistic or additive effect of anaesthetic agent, so that does and hence toxicity of anaesthetic agent could be reduced.

17 Which drugs are used in Pre- anesthetic medication ? 1] Morphine 2] atropine 3] Diazepam 4] Promethazine ?

18 What are the purposes of following drugs in pre- anasthetic medication? 1]Morphin 2] Atropine 3]Diazepam 4] promethazine. 1] Morphine (pethidine) :- The narcotic analgesics which helps to reduce apprehension by depressing CNS. They also produces analgesia. 2] Atropine (Hyoscine) :- The anticholinergic agent which reduces body secretions ; especially salivary tract secretions.

19 3] Diazepam or chlorpromazine: -The tranquillizer to help reduce anxiety. 4] Promethazine:- An antihistaminic for its antiemetic action.

20 What is the defination of basal anaesthetics? A state of anaesthesia short of surgical anaesthesia is called basal anaesthesia. Theagent used for this purpose are called basal anaesthetics.

21 Which drugs are used in basal anaesthesia? 1]Thiopentone sodium 2]Tribromoethanal 3]Paraldhyde

22 Give the purposes of Thiopentone sodium and paralddyde. 1] Thiopentone sodium:-The 2 % salt is generally administered intravenously until the patient becomes unconscious. 2]Paraldhyde:-It is also administered as a retentional enema.

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