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Workshop designed for San Francisco Unified School District Pupil Services Department Workshop designed for Secondary School District Dr. Patricia Fioriello.

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1 Workshop designed for San Francisco Unified School District Pupil Services Department Workshop designed for Secondary School District Dr. Patricia Fioriello Education Consultant April 22, 2008 BUILDING A MASTER SCHEDULE Process and Steps Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

2 About Us  The workshop “Building A Master Schedule” was created and presented by Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant.  For additional information, contact Dr. Fioriello at  Visit website at www.drpfconsults www.drpfconsults Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

3 Literacy and Intervention Focus Review stages of literacy intervention and emphasis on intensive and strategic intervention. Are the needs of intervention students a priority at your school? The master schedule should be designed around the needs of your student population. Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

4 Workshop Overview and Outcome Participants will walk through the general process and steps involved in building a master schedule and will be able to apply the strategies to their school master schedule process. Participants will also share best practices in building a master schedule with colleagues, problem solve solutions, and decide a process for sharing information with peers. Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

5 Approach This workshop is based on the premise of building a master schedule shell. If you decide to load the most recent fall master schedule and edit the data, steps may be different. However, all information is applicable. Workshop time is limited and will not permit a complete overview of numerous approaches. Therefore, a holistic approach is taken where the master schedule process is reviewed from beginning to end. S y fit in the structure of the Literacy intervention program? Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

6 THE MASTER SCHEDULE PROCESS Process Steps Activities SECTION ONE Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

7 Master Schedule Process Where do they fit in the structure of the Literacy intervention program? When does the master schedule process start at your school? What is the first step in the process? Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

8 Steps Step 1Curriculum & Course ReviewOctober Step 2 Tallies & Sections February Step 3 Teacher Demand & Course Loads March Step 4 Scheduling ConflictsApril Step 5 Build Master ScheduleApril Step 6 Simulations & Final Schedule May Step 7 Modifications & AdjustmentsJune S y fit in the structure of the Literacy intervention program? Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

9 Step 1: Curriculum & Course Review Review curriculum and courses.  Course codes, District Curriculum Table (DCT), course descriptions, course catalog Revisit current and past master schedule information. Discuss possible changes with staff. Share thoughts and decisions with school community. What is the process at your site to review curriculum and courses, and who is involved in the review? How and when does the review take place? Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

10 Step 2: Tallies & Sections Establish student course selection process and time frame.  Preregistration, Student Course Requests (SCRs) Generate master tally of student requests.  Enrollment Request Tally Listing Report Determine number of sections.  for each course  for each department  cancel courses SCR Report Course Enrollments and Requests Report Staff Projection Worksheet Tally Worksheet Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

11 Step 3: FTEs, Teacher Demand &Course Loads Determine staff projection based on student requests/sections.  know current number of FTEs and possible budget changes  determine projected teaching demand based on tally and sections  problem solve ways to decrease difference between teacher number and teacher demand  MAKE DECISIONS Decide way to include teacher preferences in the process. Work with department (head) to determine POSSIBLE teacher course loads. FTE Teachers Teacher Preferences Possible Teacher Course Loads Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

12 Step 4: Scheduling Conflicts Determine where to place singletons (doubletons.) Use and understand the conflict matrix report.  Number indicates the number of students who request both classes. If number is high, do not place the two classes during same period. Conflict Matrix Report Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

13 Step 5: Build Master Schedule Thus far, you have been thinking about Numbers (Tallies, Sections, FTEs)and Departments (Course Loads, Scheduling Conflicts) Now it is time to think about Programs and Students (bring your numbers and sections together to build programs for students) Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

14 Step 5: Build Master Schedule What issues will you need to consider during this stage? What are the rules that will guide and support you through this stage? What steps do you need to take to complete this stage? Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

15 Step 5: Build Master Schedule Review information and decide what are the important issues to consider FOR YOUR SCHOOL when building the master schedule. Possible issues to consider- special programs singletons team teaching parallel classes teacher course loads teacher requests number of students in building beginning, end of day CPT OTHER ___________________________________ Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

16 Step 5: Build Master Schedule Determine rules and guidelines that will support your issues when building the master schedule. block programs for special groups (intervention) on master schedule before you start place singletons based on conflict matrix report once decided, do not change singletons number of teacher preps allowed OTHER _________________________________ Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

17 Step 5: Build Master Schedule Decide steps to complete the master schedule. Repeat the steps until you have addressed all students. How to build the master schedule? by program (academies, ESL, AP, Honors, Special Ed., etc.) parallel classes to facilitate movement by grade OTHER ______________________________ How to check the master schedule ? student schedules by total sections per period room usage – special needs (computer, arts) teacher conflicts (number of preps, classes) OTHER _______________________________ Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

18 Step 6: Simulations & Final Schedule Execute a simulation.  How will you cap classes? Generate reports. Review data. Execute another and another (?) simulation. Final simulation and master schedule to the Student Information System (SIS).  load students into sections  start with hardest to schedule classes (singletons, intervention) Master Capacity Balance Report Simulation Report Scheduler Status Report Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

19 Step 7: Modifications & Adjustments Be prepared to address: End of year surprises Summer grades New students before and at the start of the school year Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

20 BEST PRACTICES SECTION TWO Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

21 Best Practices Participants will decide process to share best practices and problem solve solutions. Participants will determine best way to share feedback with larger group. Dr. Patricia Fioriello, Education Consultant, April 22, 2008. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.

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