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What impact has the one child policy had? What can you remember from last lesson? Test each other in pairs.

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Presentation on theme: "What impact has the one child policy had? What can you remember from last lesson? Test each other in pairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 What impact has the one child policy had? What can you remember from last lesson? Test each other in pairs.

2 Objectives To explore the impact of the Chinese One Child policy using De Bono’s six coloured hats To bring information together to develop an individual opinion about the One Child Policy To evaluate the use of the internet to research issues such as this

3 Task The policy has been in operation for 30 years now. What effects would you expect to see? Watch ‘Raining Men’ from - did you predict this effect? Your class will be divided into six groups. Each group will research the impact of the one child policy whilst wearing a different coloured ‘hat’ This way of looking at an issue was thought up by De Bono and encourages us to look at things in different ways.



6 Time line 1 You will spend the rest of this lesson and next lesson researching the impact of the one child policy whilst wearing your ‘hat’ You will spend the third lesson producing a presentation summarising your findings Homework 1: Be prepared to show your group presentation on ____________

7 Time line 2 You will show each other your presentations wearing your different ‘hats’ during the fourth lesson and will discuss points of interest as they arise During the fifth lesson you will produce your own, individual response to the one child policy. This could use text/images Homework 2: Complete own response to one child policy by _________________

8 Presentations Pink hats White hats Black hats Yellow hats Blue hats Green hats What is their angle? Facts? Shocking finds?

9 Warning! There are some very harrowing pictures and accounts related to the one child policy on the internet This picture shows a little girl in a Chinese orphanage known as a dying room How is it best to deal with upsetting images?

10 Warning! There are some very biased accounts of the Chinese one child policy on the internet Why is it important to consider the bias of the sites you use? Why are some Westerners suspicious of the way Chinese people do things?

11 Plenary At the end of each lesson you should reflect upon what you have achieved/learnt during the lesson as a group and plan for next lesson At the end of the series of lessons you will be asked to reflect upon how useful the internet and De Bono’s hats were to explore this issue

12 For more information about this task visit Fronter VLE

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