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Catch Shares Working for fish and fishermen. Getting our foundations right…

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Presentation on theme: "Catch Shares Working for fish and fishermen. Getting our foundations right…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Catch Shares Working for fish and fishermen

2 Getting our foundations right…

3 Why do we fish?

4 Cod (Gadus morhua) Important fishery since 800 A.D. With increasing demand comes increasing numbers of fishers…

5 Worm B, Barbier EB, Beaumont N, Duffy JE, Folke C, Halpern BS, Jackson JBC, Lotze HK, Micheli F, Palumbi SR, Sala E, Selkoe KA, Stachowicz JJ, Watson R. 2006. Impacts of Biodiversity Loss on Ocean Ecosystem Services. Science. 314: 787-760. A story that repeats itself all over the world…

6 It’s not just about what we fish… but how we fish…

7 3 Objectives: Protect reproduction Protect habitat Protect fishermen Conventional Fishery Management


9 Current Problems in the Management of Marine Fisheries Science 22 June 2007: vol. 316 no. 5832 1713-1716

10 Input Controls Output Controls Gear restrictions Effort limits Seasonal Limits Days-at-sea... Catch limits Catch shares Spatial Controls No Take Zone Management tools Uncertainty Command and Control Certainty and Flexibility

11 What are catch shares?

12 Catch Shares are a system of: Rights Responsibilities Rewards



15 Catch Shares Around the World


17 Why do they work? Fishermen have a real investment in sustainability. Fishermen are held directly accountable to stay within the catch levels. Fishermen and managers can customize design to meet specified goals.

18 Catch Share Types Individual Quota (IQ) Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ) Individual Vessel Quota (IVQ) Cooperative Community Fishing Quota (CFQ) Area-based (TURF) TypeAllocated to…Transferable? Individual Vessel Group Community Individual, Group or Community No Yes Sometimes

19 Costello, C.S., Gaines, S., and Lynham, J. (2008) Can catch shares prevent fisheries collapse? Science 321: 1678-1681 Fisheries with Catch Shares Fisheries without Catch Shares Results

20 D. Grimm et al. / Marine Policy 36 (2012) 644–657

21 Results Improve livelihoods. Improve fishermen’s safety. Increase product quality and revenue. Keep fishermen within limits. Improve biodiversity. Reduce bycatch and waste. Prevent fisheries and ecosystem collapse.

22 Black Cod Halibut Hoki Spiny Lobster Catch Shares and MSC

23 Catch Shares are not a magic wand, they still need: Organization Monitoring and enforcement Sound Science Participative approach and design Sustainable financing

24 Secure Exclusive All sources Scaled Accountable Limited Transferable What do successful catch shares have in common?

25 7 Design Steps 1.Define Program Goals 2.Define and Quantify the Available Resource 3.Define Eligible Participants 4.Define the Privilege 5.Assign the Privilege 6.Develop Administrative Systems 7.Assess Performance and Innovate

26 Questions?

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