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Jennings A. Jones College of Business E. James Burton, Dean Dwight Bullard, Associate Dean Academic Advising Center Gretchen Leming Lorrie Murgas Continuous.

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Presentation on theme: "Jennings A. Jones College of Business E. James Burton, Dean Dwight Bullard, Associate Dean Academic Advising Center Gretchen Leming Lorrie Murgas Continuous."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jennings A. Jones College of Business E. James Burton, Dean Dwight Bullard, Associate Dean Academic Advising Center Gretchen Leming Lorrie Murgas Continuous Improvement in Action

3 College of Business Strengths u AACSB accredited u Beta Gamma Sigma national honor society u Student oriented faculty u Successful graduates u Very popular majors u Affordable u Superior facilities

4 Student Organizations uAlpha Kappa Psi uAssociation of Information Technology Professionals uBeta Alpha Psi uFinancial Management Association uGamma Iota Sigma uInstitute of Management Accountants uPhi Beta Lambda uPi Sigma Epsilon uSociety for Human Resource Management

5 MTSU Students

6 B.B.A. Degree Programs uAccounting uBusiness Administration uEconomics uEntrepreneurship uFinance uInformation Systems uManagement uMarketing uOffice Management

7 Other Programs uB.S. Degrees –Business Education 4Teaching 4Non-Teaching 4Non-Teaching Training & Development uGraduate Degrees –M.B.A. –M.B.E. –M.S. in Accounting and Information Systems

8 Undergraduate Majors

9 Program Sequence General Studies, First Two Years Business Core Major Courses, Last Two Years


11 See Pages 22-36 of Student Handbook



14 Scheduling Suggestions uFull-time vs. Part-time 12-18 hours is full-time, 14-16 hours is average load (Depends on other responsibilities outside of school) uMeeting Days MWF = Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 50 minute classes, i.e., 9:10-10:00 MW = 1 hour 15 minutes, i.e., 1:30-2:45 TR = Tuesday and Thursday 1 hour 15 minutes, i.e., 9:30-10:45 uStudents will be dropped from courses if payment is not received by August 7 th. Closed classes might be open on August 8 th.

15 Scheduling Reminders uCredit Hours All required classes are 3 credit hours except BIOL, PSCI, GEOL and ASTR (4 hours) because they include a lab PHED Activity (1 hour) uScheduling a Lab Course If you are registering for BIOL, PSCI, GEOL or ASTR 1030 it will be easier to complete your Fall Schedule if you first schedule your lab course and then your remaining courses. uGEOL 1030 and ASTR 1030 You must register separately for the lab portion of GEOL and ASTR 1030/1031. (Unlike BIOL 1030 and PSCI 1030 where the lab is already assigned to a particular lecture.)


17 See Page 6-7 of Student Handbook


19 Schedule Book uThe courses offered each term are listed in the Schedule Book by Department. uThe following courses are sometimes difficult for students to find in the Schedule Book: COURSEDEPARTMENT PAGE NO. PSCI 1030Chemistry 56 ASTR 1030Physics and Astronomy150 PHED ActivityHPERS106



22 Regents Degree On-Line Program nAll coursework can be completed on-line, but this is NOT a Business Program. nThese courses require extra tuition and fees in addition to the MTSU fee structure. nCourses are denoted by the media code RDP.

23 Advanced Placement (AP) Credit Score required: 3 or above See Page 33 of University Catalog for additional information. To have scores sent call 1-888-CALL 4 AP

24 University Honors Admission Standards uHigh School GPA  3.00 & ACT  26 (SAT  1170) uor High School GPA  3.5 & ACT  22 (SAT  1010) uReturning MTSU & Transfer Students: Cumulative GPA  3.0 uHonors courses are not more difficult. uYou can work toward Graduation with Honors or just take honors classes. See Page 84 of University Catalog See Page 15-16 of College of Business Student Handbook

25 University Honors Courses Honors courses are included with the course offerings for entire departments. Honors courses will be printed this way in your Open Sections List and in Fall 2003 Schedule Book: (Honors)Topics in Biology 10513 BIOL-1030-12 4 MWF 8:05-10:00 ‘Honors’ precedes the title of the course Please read the titles carefully to register or NOT register for Honors courses.

26 Secrets of Success uActively Seek Advice uFind the “Right” Professors uParticipate in Professional Activities uConsider CO-OP uParticipate in the Whole UNIVERSITY uConsider Honors and INROADS

27 Questions?



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