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Cardiovascular System Key Terms.  Means vessel  necrosis ◦ tissue death  Angionecrosis ◦ death of the walls of the blood vessels.

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Presentation on theme: "Cardiovascular System Key Terms.  Means vessel  necrosis ◦ tissue death  Angionecrosis ◦ death of the walls of the blood vessels."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cardiovascular System Key Terms

2  Means vessel  necrosis ◦ tissue death  Angionecrosis ◦ death of the walls of the blood vessels.

3  Aorta  Having to do with the aorta

4  Means artery  Having to do with arteries  -sclerosis ◦ abnormal hardening ◦ Arteriosclerosis?

5  Means plaque  Or fatty substance  Atherosclerosis ◦ hardening and narrowing of the arteries due to a buildup of cholesterol plaques.

6  Slow  Card – heart  Bradycardia ◦ abnormally slow heart beat

7  Means heart  Having to do with the heart

8  Coronary  Crown

9  Blood  Blood condition  Having to do with the blood  Isch – to hold back  Ischemia ◦ a deficiency in blood supply due to either the constriction or the obstruction of a blood vessel.

10  Means red  Cyte ◦ means cell  Erythrocyte ◦ red blood cell

11  Means blood  Having to do with the blood

12  Means white  Cyte – cell  Leukocyte ◦ white blood cell

13  Means vein  Having to do with the veins  Phlebitis ◦ inflammation of a vein.

14  Means rapid  Tachycardia ◦ abnormally fast heartbeat

15  Clot  Having to do with a clot  Osis ◦ abnormal condition  Thrombosis ◦ abnormal blood clot in a blood vessel

16  Aneurysm-widening  Angina-choking pain  Atri/o-atrium  Plasm/a, plasm/o-plasma (form, mold)  Valv/o-valve (leaf)

17  Vein  Having to do with the veins

18 Key terms 2

19  Something inserted  -us ◦ Singular noun ending  -ism ◦ Condition, state of  Embolus ◦ A foreign object, such as a blood clot, quantity of air or gas, or a bit of tissue or tumor that is circulating in the blood  Embolism ◦ Blockage of a vessel by an embolus.

20  The flow of blood through the vessels of an organ  The adequate delivery of oxygen and glucose to tissues  Hypoperfusion

21  Vessel  Vas deferens  Vasoconstrictor  Vasodilator

22  Also known as dysrhythmia  An irregularity or the loss of normal rhythm of the heartbeat.

23  Rapid, random, and ineffective contractions of the heart ◦ Atrial fibrillation - AF ◦ Ventricular fibrillation – V fib or VF

24  a cardiac arrhythmia in which the atrial contractions are rapid but regular.

25  An immature erythrocyte  Characterized by a meshlike pattern of threads

26  A type of leukocyte  Formed in red bone marrow  Promote the inflammatory response

27  Control  Maintenance of a constant level  Hemostasis ◦ To control bleeding

28  A localized area of necrosis caused by an interruption of the blood supply  Myocardial infarction (MI)

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