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Follow all procedures. Behavior Management Plan Overview: a Review Presented by Mrs. McVey.

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Presentation on theme: "Follow all procedures. Behavior Management Plan Overview: a Review Presented by Mrs. McVey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Follow all procedures

2 Behavior Management Plan Overview: a Review Presented by Mrs. McVey

3 This is a presentation. You should already be following “video/presentation” directions:

4 1. 1.As your teacher I will not tolerate any student in this classroom stopping me from teaching for any reason whatsoever. 2.As your teacher I will not tolerate any student in this classroom stopping another student from learning for any reason whatsoever. 3.As your teacher I will not tolerate any student in this classroom doing anything that is not in your best interest or the best interest of the class. Teacher Creed I am a member of this class; there are two things you never do to me: 1. No manipulations 2. Never question my management system when I am teaching.

5 Rules continued: 1.Follow directions 2.Be present in the classroom before the bell. 3.Be prepared with required daily materials. (especially a pen and book!) 4.Respect yourself and others (keep hands, feet, & objects to yourself; use appropriate language; voice volume; scents; no manipulations; etc). 5.Follow all Bloom District Student Handbook rules – you are expected to know them!

6 Consequences 1. 1. Warning, sign log, PAC 2. 2. Last out, student conference, sign log, PAC 3. 3. Time after, student conference, sign log, -5 points, PAC 4. 4. Above, Parental involvement, [Freshman Academy intervention], PAC 5. 5. Dean’s Referral, -10 points, PAC ** PAC stands for “Parent, Administrator, Councilor”. I have the right to consult with them at any step if it’s in your best interest.**

7 Positives Verbal Notes Calls Drop low quiz grade Buddy quiz Teacher answers Games Homework Pass Mystery motivator

8 Severe Clause FIGHTING VANDALISM GANG ACTIVITY OVERT DEFIANCE TRUANCY STOPPING CLASS FROM FUNCTIONING All result in a dean’s referral Your deans: Mrs. Bateast (A-G), Mrs. Anastasia (H-N), Mr. Belzeski (O-Z)

9 Bloom’s Tardy Policy accumulates over 9 weeks – Oct 27 1. 1. Warning, sign log, (-2 attendance points) 2. 2. 30 seconds after, sign log, parent contact, (-2 attendance points) 3. 3. 1 minute after, sign log, parent phone call, (-2 attendance points) 4. 4. 1:30 after, sign log, parent conference, (-2 attendance points) 5. 5. Dean’s Referral, sign log, (-2 attendance points, -10 behavior points) TIME AFTER is not an excuse to be tardy to the next class. It is to make you realize time in the halls makes you late to class. USE YOUR TIME WISELY!

10 Late Assignments – Freshman Academy policy – NO LATE WORK in Semester 2. * Absent Work – Absent students are responsible for absent work, not the teacher. Absent work to be done at home, not in class. See page #11 of your handbook for District policy. * Classroom work is to be done in class. Classroom work is NOT homework. * COPYING is cheating – all people involved get zeros * Dress code, electronics, book bags, and all other policies to be followed, SEE BLOOM TWP 206 HANDBOOK.REMINDERS

11 In & Out Log Fill out ALL portions of the log correctly or you are in violation of Rule #1 – follow all directions. If you’re tardy, say so! You sign the log ANY time you enter or exit outside of the 5 minute passing period – it doesn’t matter where you’ve been or if I knew where you were – WRITE IT DOWN.

12 Homework Expectations Homework will be given when needed for additional work or preparation. The student will know how to do the homework due to the work done in class. Classwork is classwork – not homework. When I give homework, I expect it done and completed when requested. If this does not occur, I will speak to the student, and the work will be expected to be completed. If the situation occurs a second time, parents will become involved. DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!

13 * The first time something comes to my attention, I speak with the student. * A second occurrence, I contact the parents. Basic Ground Rule

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