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Published byDerrick Copeland Modified over 9 years ago
1 GEMMA: experimental searches for neutrino magnetic moment JINR: V. Brudanin, V. Egorov, D. Medvedev, M. Shirchenko, E. Shevchik, I. Zhitnikov, V. Belov ITEP: A. Beda, A. Starostin
2 Scientific motivation Minimally extended Standard Model (MSM): ~ 10 –19 B (m / 1eV) νLνL νRνR l W γ νLνL νRνR l W γ
3 Scientific motivation Beyond the MSM: ≤ 10 –14 B (m / 1eV) ~ 10 –10 - 10 –11 B
4 Matrix of magnetic moment
5 Calculation of Λ parameter [ ] 4*10 -9 B ([m ] /1eV)* (1TeV/) 2 *m 2 /(m 2 -m 2 ) Bell N. F. How magnetic is the neutrino? // WSPC Proceedings; hep-ph/0707.1556. For =10 -11 B and m =0.3 eV Λ<100 TeV
6 Observation of ~ 10 -11 -10 -12 B will: give a hint of neutrino nature allow to feel the scale of Λ set the restrictions on the number of astrophysical models Scientific motivation (summary)
7 Direct searches for Reactor neutrinos: –MUNU, TEXONO, GEMMA <(2.9 – 9)*10 -11 B (e) Solar neutrinos: –SK+KamLand, Borexino <(5.4 – 11)*10 -11 B (all) Accelerator neutrinos: –LSND, DONUT <1.1*10 -9 B (e) <6.8*10 -10 B ( ) <3.7*10 -7 B ( τ )
8 Upper limits on μ ν upper limitComments Solar<4*10 -10 SK+KamLand<1.1*10 -10 White dwarfs<10 -11 model dependent Red giants<3*10 -12 Supernova 1987A<3*10 -12 “Cosmological” limit <1.5*10 -11 should not be violated by more than two neutrino species BOREXINO<5.4*10 -11 TEXONO<7.2*10 -11 MUNU<9*10 -11
9 First reactor experiments 1976 – Savannah River. The first observation of the -e scattering scattering F. Reines et al. [P.R.L.37,315(1976)]. F. Reines et al. [P.R.L.37,315(1976)]. ~ 16 kg plastic scintillator, flux of 2.2×10 13 / cm 2 / s ~ 16 kg plastic scintillator, flux of 2.2×10 13 / cm 2 / s 1989 – A revised analysis by P. Vogel and J. Engel [P.R.,D39,3378(1989 )] gave a limit [P.R.,D39,3378(1989 )] gave a limit ( 2 – 4) 10 –10 B ( 2 – 4) 10 –10 B 1992 – Krasnoyarsk. G.S. Vidykin et al. [Pis’ma v ZhETPh, 55,206(1992)] 55,206(1992)] ~ 100 kg liquid scintillator C 6 F 6, 254 days “on” / 78 days “off “ ~ 100 kg liquid scintillator C 6 F 6, 254 days “on” / 78 days “off “ 2.4 10 – 10 B (90% C.L.) 2.4 10 – 10 B (90% C.L.) 1993 – Rovno. A.V. Derbin, L.A. Popeko et al. [JETP Letters, 57,768(1993)] 57,768(1993)] 75 kg silicon multi-detector, 600 Si(Li) cells, 75 kg silicon multi-detector, 600 Si(Li) cells, - flux of ~ 2×10 13 / cm 2 / s, 30 days “on”/17 days “off “ - flux of ~ 2×10 13 / cm 2 / s, 30 days “on”/17 days “off “ 1.9 10 –10 B (95% C.L.) 1.9 10 –10 B (95% C.L.)
10 measurement under reactor measurement under reactor The effects can be searched in the recoil electron energy spectrum from the - e scattering - e scattering measured when the reactor is ON and OFF. measured when the reactor is ON and OFF. The total cross-section d /dT is a sum of two: ( d /dT ) weak + ( d /dT ) EM depending on the recoil energy T in different ways depending on the recoil energy T in different ways
12 Reactor unit #2 of the “Kalinin” Nuclear Power Plant (400 km North from Moscow) Technological room just under reactor 14 m 14 m only! 2.7 10 13 /cm 2 /s Power: 3 GW 315 ON: 315 days/y 50 OFF: 50 days/y Total mass above (reactor, building, shielding, etc.): ~70 m ~70 m of W.E.
13 Experiment GEMMA Experiment GEMMA ( Germanium Experiment for measurement of Magnetic Moment of Antineutrino ) ( Germanium Experiment for measurement of Magnetic Moment of Antineutrino ) [ Phys. of At. Nucl.,67(2004)1948] [ Phys. of At. Nucl.,67(2004)1948] Spectrometer includes a HPGe detector of 1.5 kg installed within NaI active shielding. HPGe + NaI are surrounded with multi-layer passive shielding : electrolytic copper, borated polyethylene and lead.
14 GEMMA background conditions -rays were measu- red with Ge detector. The main sources are: 137 Cs, 60 Co, 134 Cs. Neutron background was measured with 3 He counters, i.e., thermal neutrons were counted. Their flux at the facility site turned out to be 30 times lower than in the outside laboratory room. Charged component of the cosmic radiation (muons) was measu- red to be 5 times lower than outside.
15 Background suppresion
16 Background at low energy region
17 High freq. noise: E1 > E2 Real signal: E1 = E2 Low freq. noise: E1 < E2 E.Garcia e.a. NPB28A(1992)286
19 Spectrum after “matrix applying” Spectrum before “matrix applying” keV
20 true events microphonics mains freq. (50 Hz) Time selection of consecutive events:
22 Final spectra
23 Final distribution
24 Experimental sensitivity N N : number of signal events expected B B : background level in the ROI m m : target (=detector) mass t t : measurement time N ~ ( ~ Power / r 2 ) ~ ( T max - T min / T max *T min ) 1/2 ~ ( T max - T min / T max *T min ) 1/2 GEMMA I ~ ~ 2.7 ×10 13 / cm 2 / s t ~ 4 years B ~ 2.5 keV -1 kg -1 day -1 m ~ 1.5 kg T th ~ 2.8 keV 2.9 10 –11 B
25 Data Set I phase – 5184 h ON, 1853 h OFF II phase – 6798 h ON, 1021 h OFF I+II – 11982 h ON, 2874 h OFF III phase – 6152 h ON, 1613 h OFF I+II+III – 18134 h ON, 4487 h OFF Beda A.G. et al. // Advances in High Energy Physics. 2012. V. 2012, Article ID 350150. Beda A.G. et al. // Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, 2013, V. 10, №2, pp. 139–143.
26 #2: 14 m #3: 10 mKNPPUdomlyaRussia
27 GEMMA II ~ 5×10 13 / cm 2 / s t~ 2 years B~ 0.5–1.0 keV -1 kg -1 day -1 m~ 6 kg (two detectors) T th ~ 1.5 keV 1.0 10 -11 B
Lifting mechanism GEMMA-II
30 Future detectors
31 Calibration spectrum in Dubna with (Fe-55, Al) source Achieved energy threshold is ~350 eV
33 Sensitivity of future experiments B = 0.2 1/keV/kg/day Mass, kgThreshold, keVSensitivity, 10 -12 μ B 100.44.7 200.44.0 100.34.6 200.33.9
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