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The USA Australia The UK The USA The UK The aims of the lesson are: learn some new information learn some new information about these countries about.

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3 The USA Australia The UK The USA The UK

4 The aims of the lesson are: learn some new information learn some new information about these countries about these countries make a mini-project about make a mini-project about them them practice the article practice the article read the text read the text

5 How much do you know about English – speaking countries? I know much I don’t know I know little I know much I don’t know I know little much much

6 Listen to me and repeat the words on business – по делу on business – по делу for pleasure – ради удовольствия for pleasure – ради удовольствия travel by bus travel by bus by plane by plane by ship by ship by train by train on foot on foot in search of adventures – в поисках приключений in search of adventures – в поисках приключений customs and traditions – обычаи и традиции customs and traditions – обычаи и традиции

7 What do people like to travel by? plane ship traincar

8 People usually travel… on business on business for pleasure for pleasure in search of adventures in search of adventures to see the beauty of the world to see the beauty of the world to know customs and traditions to know customs and traditions to learn a language to learn a language

9 When you travel, you… Meet new people Meet new people Visit new places Visit new places Know the history Know the history and culture and culture

10 The key 1. d); 2. e); 3. a); 4. g); 5. b); 6. c); 7. f) People travel on business and for pleasure.People travel on business and for pleasure. They can visit their relatives and friends.They can visit their relatives and friends. We travel by bus, plane, ship, train and on foot.We travel by bus, plane, ship, train and on foot. The fastest way of travelling is by plane.The fastest way of travelling is by plane. The seats on the train are comfortable.The seats on the train are comfortable. Bus tickets are not expensive.Bus tickets are not expensive. Travelling by ship is popular.Travelling by ship is popular.

11 Travelling I usually go on holiday by train, And very seldom by plane. I often go to work by bus, And sometimes by car. I prefer going to work on foot, If I’m in a bad mood. But I never go by taxi, Because it’s very expensive.

12 The | The The | The 1) Some countries: the Russian Federation the United Kingdom the United States 2) Rivers: the Mississippi the Thames 3) Mountain chains: the Rocky Mountains 4) Deserts: the Great Sandy Desert 1) Continents: Europe, North America 2) Countries: England, Russia, Australia 3) Cities, towns: London, Canberra, Washington



15 1 – b) 2 – c) 3 – a) The key

16 The United Kingdom

17 The United States of America

18 Australia

19 Homework Describe one of these countries in written form (7 – 15 sentences) Describe one of these countries in written form (7 – 15 sentences) Make a presentation Make a presentation

20 How much do you know about English – speaking countries now? I know much I don’t know I know little I know much I don’t know I know little much much

21 Thank you for your work. Goodbye.

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