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The Theory and Practice of Anti-Globalization Movement

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1 The Theory and Practice of Anti-Globalization Movement
Wang Mengxi

2 Questions What are the rationale behind the dialects of anti-Globalization movement and anti- Globalization scholar like Joseph Stiglitz? How do you evaluate such movement and scholarly claims?

3 Globalization: a new face of capitalism
1 PART ONE Globalization: a new face of capitalism

4 The formation of economic globalization
01 The Industrial Revolution bred the rise of capitalism 02 The attempt of the realization of global colonialism 03 The waves of democratization led the Western colonialism break down The world economy was again controlled by the role of capitalism, or the so-called “neo-liberalism” 04

5 The function of current politic power
01 The border vanished 02 The Politics loses its traditional position 03 Politics still has its role in stimulating economic growth 04 The main tasks of the political leaders also change

6 Negative effects of globalization
Exploitation of developing countries Unemployment and ousting of local businesses Strategic Planning and Accelerator (Intern) The interwinement between politic power and transnational company A threat to cultural diversity

7 Another world is possible!
` 2 PART TWO Another world is possible!

8 The rise of Anti-globalization
Anti-governmental demonstrations➡the rise of global social movement Opposing the cutting of the national expenditure for social welfare 1 Opposing the worsening working condition and economic crises 2 Opposing the exploitation of resources in developing countries 3

9 The composition of anti-globalizationalists
Workers Anarchists 1 8 Unionists 2 Consumers 7 3 6 Environmentalists Farmers 4 5 Feminists Students A common target: to transform the system into a more democratic and equitable one by a movement from below

10 The development of Anti-globalization
It aims at criticizing the negative effects of globalization It succeeds to a humanitarian spirit Encourage everyone to concern with and strive for their rights further 1 Beware of the serious problems brought by the process of profit maximization 2

11 Typical organizations of globalization or anti-globalization
Bretton woods system ATTAC WSF G8 IMF World Bank WTO

12 The relationship between the concepts of
globalization and anti-globalization 单击编辑标题 单击此处可编辑内容,根据您的需要自由拉伸文本框大小 单击编辑标题 单击此处可编辑内容,根据您的需要自由拉伸文本框大小 单击编辑标题 单击此处可编辑内容,根据您的需要自由拉伸文本框大小

13 Anti-globalization Academic Research and Movements
3 PART THREE Anti-globalization Academic Research and Movements

14 Views from scholars and economists
Walden Bello: Deglobalization Peter Evans: Counter-hegemonic globalization William I. Robinson: Global justice movement or Anti-globalization movement Amartya Sen: Third world development must be understood. Policies should focus on health and education, not simply GDP Immanuel Wallerstein: His early criticism of global capitalism and championship of “anti-systemic movements” have made him a grey eminence of anti-globalization movements

15 Introduction of Joseph E. Stiglitz
An economic sciences nobel prize winner A former senior vice president and chief economist of the World Bank Critical view of the management of globalization, laissez-faire economists, and some international institutions like IMF Bank IMF leads to imperfect information and incomplete markets, then the invisible hand works most imperfectly Governments can improve the outcome by well-chosen interventions

16 1999 Seattle battle/WTO protests
N30, anti-globalization became widespread Occurred at WTO meeting in Seattle on November 30, 1999 More than protestors, over 600 protestors were arrested

17 The Genoa G8 Summit Protest
Occurred at G8 summit in Genoa, Italy, in 2001 Over 300,000 protestors, the largest scales of protests at that time Carlo Giuliani was killed and several hundreds of protests were injured

18 The distribution of anti-globalization movements

19 Criticisms about Anti-globalization movements
3 Violence Disorganized 1 Lack of evidence 4 Unable to provide solution 2 Perverse motivation 5

20 Fears held by Anti-globalizationalists
The Destruction of indigenous cultures and the disappearance of native languages Excessive exploitation of natural resources damages the natural balance of ecosystem The gap between the rich and poor countries is widening The WTO, IMF and the World Bank create trade conditions that benefit rich countries at the expense of individuals in the poorer countries

21 Conclusion Anti-globalization movements are the indication of self-protection. Anti-globalization movement has the clear standpoints in opposing global capitalism, war terrorism, and the international operation of power politics Establish international monitoring system. Each country should build up a system that can integrate into the global market, International institutions should be more responsible for all the countries, and disclosure information to other countries

22 Conclusion To enhance corporations between countries and regions, make free trade fair for both developing and developed countries, and create equal and balance development of economic market and protect its soundness efficiently To protect the democratization of the politics and realization of civil rights, drive the development of less developed countries, respect the distinctiveness of culture and narrow the gap between the rich and the poor

23 Thank You! @Wang Mengxi

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