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Kinematics and Dynamics Simulation of the Slider-crank Mechanism Based on Matlab/Simulink Student : Tz-Han Jung 1 Liu, MengsiLiu, Mengsi ; Cao, Y. ; Zhang,

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Presentation on theme: "Kinematics and Dynamics Simulation of the Slider-crank Mechanism Based on Matlab/Simulink Student : Tz-Han Jung 1 Liu, MengsiLiu, Mengsi ; Cao, Y. ; Zhang,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kinematics and Dynamics Simulation of the Slider-crank Mechanism Based on Matlab/Simulink Student : Tz-Han Jung 1 Liu, MengsiLiu, Mengsi ; Cao, Y. ; Zhang, Qiuju ; Zhou, HuiCao, Y.Zhang, QiujuZhou, Hui Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM), 2010 International Conference on 10.1109/ICCASM.2010.5622970 2010, Page(s): V9-557 - V9-563

2 計畫目標 2 主要將發展推導機械手臂的運動學與反運動學並設計其控制硬體 IP : 1. DH-type 與 SCARA-type 兩種機械手臂。 2. 在 ModelSim and Simulink 環境下設計與模擬。 3. 下載至 FPGA 晶片使用。 DH-type 機械手臂 SCARA-type 機械手臂

3 INTRODUCTION 3 Forward: Given: joint angles  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6 Find: end location Inverse: Given: end effector location u, v, w or RPY angles Find: joint angles  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6

4 4

5 R-P-Y 角 5 D-H 規則

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15 CONCLUSIONS This paper addressed the kinematics and dynamics simulation of the Slider-Crank mechanism. After proposing a mathematical model for the forward displacement of the slider-crank mechanism, the mathematical models for the forward velocity and acceleration of the slider-crank mechanism are constructed, respectively. According to the theory of statical equilibrium, the mathematical model for the forward dynamics of the slider-crank mechanism is constituted as well based on the acceleration analysis of each component part of this mechanism under consideration. Taking into account of mathematical models for the forward kinematics and dynamics of the slider-crank mechanism, simulation models for the forward kinematics and dynamics of the slider-crank mechanism are constituted in the Matlab/Simulink simulation platform and the forward kinematics and dynamics simulation of the slider-crank mechanism was successfully accomplished based on the Matlab/Simulink simulation platform by which an arduous and complicated mathematical manipulation can be avoided and a lot of computation time can be saved. 15

16 16 END

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