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Statewide Connections: Promotional Planning. Step One Deadline for Joining YPWeek 2016: December 15, 2015 -- Determine Lead Organization & Point Person.

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Presentation on theme: "Statewide Connections: Promotional Planning. Step One Deadline for Joining YPWeek 2016: December 15, 2015 -- Determine Lead Organization & Point Person."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statewide Connections: Promotional Planning

2 Step One Deadline for Joining YPWeek 2016: December 15, 2015 -- Determine Lead Organization & Point Person

3 Step Two Deadline for Program Plans for YPWeek 2016: February 1, 2015 -- Determine Program Designs -- Secure Program Partners & Sponsors -- Secure Basic Logistics (Location, Time, Theme)

4 Step Three Deadline for Promotion Launch for YPWeek 2016: February 15, 2015 -- Publish Program Plans -- Launch Promotional Plans -- Secure Staffing Plans

5 Connection Points

6 Connection Points YPWeek Mobile Application

7 Connection Points The Bubbler Awards

8 Bubbler Awards Bubbler Awards 2016: Call for Submissions: Jan 1 – Feb 28, 2016 Juried Review: March 1 – 5, 2016 Top 10 Announcement: March 6, 2016 Awards Show: April 9, 2016 -- Cross-Promotion for Submissions -- Jurors Needed for Review -- Site Selection for Awards Show

9 Connection Points Programmatic Alignments: -- YPWeek Final Event -- Speaker Circuits -- Sponsor Cross-Pollination -- City Swaps

10 Connection Points Time Commitment: -- Bi-Weekly Meetings December - February -- Weekly Meetings March – April

11 Connection Points Aim High, but Start Small -- Current roster of events for April -- Events don’t have to be costly

12 Connection Points NEWaukee’s HERE for You! -- Facilitate communication and connections between groups -- Individual community planning sessions -- Branding, website and marketing plans -- Resource alignment, where applicable

13 Statewide Connections: Fundraising

14 Fundraising Best YPWeek Practices: -- Leverage for More $$ -- Compliment Typical Funding Mechanisms: -- Tickets, Sponsors, Memberships, Concessions

15 Fundraising Ticketing Strategy: -- Allows for hard costs to be covered -- Causes barrier to entry for those “on the fence” -- Excellent sponsor & member activation

16 Fundraising Concessions Strategy: -- Additional cash generated from venue or collateral -- Beware: -- Vendor agreements -- Not everybody drinks! -- Attendance dependency -- Surplus product

17 Fundraising Membership Strategy: -- YPWeek is a great USP -- Give current members a special advantage

18 Fundraising Sponsor Strategy: The Fickle Beast -- Don’t just take money, to have the cash -- Determine ROI: Consumer branding, employer branding, or talent engagement -- Consider brand alignment

19 Fundraising Sponsor Strategy: The Fickle Beast -- Create meaningful integrations: -- LOGOS, LOGOS, LOGOS -- Printed Materials, Website(s), newsletter, shareable content for social media

20 Fundraising Sponsor Strategy: The Fickle Beast -- Create meaningful integrations: -- Venue Placements -- Speakers: Table ambassador, introductions, panelists, keynote addresses

21 Fundraising Sponsor Strategy: The Fickle Beast -- Create meaningful integrations: -- Collateral: BE SPECIFIC -- Banners, table, giveaways – YOU SET THE TONE! -- Additional On-line Promotions

22 Statewide Connections: Timeline and Next Steps

23 What’s Next? Important Deadlines: 12 /15 City Commitments 1/1Bubbler Awards Open Submissions 2/1Program Design Completion 2/15YPWeek Promotion Begins 3/6Bubbler Award Winners Announced 3/15Final Program Announced

24 You’re super awesome. Thank you!

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