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Major Environmental Plans Dr Mahfuzul Haque. Major Environmental Plans FFYP (1997-2002) PRSP I (2005) NSAPR II (2009-2011) NSAPR II-Revised (2009-2011)

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Presentation on theme: "Major Environmental Plans Dr Mahfuzul Haque. Major Environmental Plans FFYP (1997-2002) PRSP I (2005) NSAPR II (2009-2011) NSAPR II-Revised (2009-2011)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Major Environmental Plans Dr Mahfuzul Haque

2 Major Environmental Plans FFYP (1997-2002) PRSP I (2005) NSAPR II (2009-2011) NSAPR II-Revised (2009-2011) SFYP (2011-2015) NEMAP (1995) SEMP (1999-2005) NEMAP-CHT (draft) NAPA (2009) BCCSAP (2009)

3 The Fifth Five Year Plan (1997-2002) Chapter X: Environment and Sustainable Development (Page: 181-193) Major Environmental Issues and concerns were discussed Goals and objectives were to promote sustainable development The Plan gave policy outline and showed strategies and implementation mechanism

4 PRSP I Unlocking the Potential: National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction (NSAPR) 2005 Also known as Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) Costing up to 2015 Country-wide consultation

5 PRSP I The PRSP outlines a comprehensive medium-term strategy for implementation of pro-poor growth, effective safety net program and human development The roadmap identified in the document will help to achieve MDGs dead-line of 2015 and SAARC Development Goals by 2010 Prime mover behind PRSP was the World Bank

6 PRSP I Roadmap for accelerated poverty reduction: Pro-poor economic growth Pro-poor economic growth Effective social safety nets Effective social safety nets Human development Human development Participation, social inclusion and empowerment Participation, social inclusion and empowerment Promoting good governance Promoting good governance Effective Service Delivery Effective Service Delivery Caring for the Environment and Sustainable Development (pages: 172-179) Caring for the Environment and Sustainable Development (pages: 172-179)

7 PRSP I Planning process: One National level workshop One National level workshop Six Regional participatory consultation meetings were held in six divisional towns. They were participated by civil societies, journalists, women bodies, trade unions, NGOs Six Regional participatory consultation meetings were held in six divisional towns. They were participated by civil societies, journalists, women bodies, trade unions, NGOs

8 PRSP II or NSAPR II Moving Ahead: National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction II (FY 2009- 11) Also known as NSAPR II or PRSP II Also known as NSAPR II or PRSP II Medium Term strategy for poverty reduction During Caretaker Government

9 NSAPR II Roadmap for pro-poor economic growth: Development of essential infrastructure Development of essential infrastructure Social protection for vulnerable groups Social protection for vulnerable groups Participation, social inclusion and empowerment Participation, social inclusion and empowerment Promoting good governance Promoting good governance Effective Service Delivery Effective Service Delivery Human development Human development Caring for environment and tackling climate change (p 174-186) Caring for environment and tackling climate change (p 174-186)

10 NSAPR II Issues like climate change, disaster risk management were aptly addressed in this Plan NSAPR II has been prepared with extensive consultations with the stakeholders, academia, researchers, NGOs and members of civil society both at national and regional levels It aimed at poverty reduction through pro-poor macro-economic management and by creating decent employment through private sector development and an emphasis on SME developments

11 NSAPR II (Revised) Steps Towards Change: or NSAPR II- revised (2009-2011) was based on election manifesto of the present government with five priority areas: micro-economic stability and price control; action against corruption; sufficiency in power and energy; poverty alleviation; and good governance. Reflection of Vision 2021

12 The Sixth Five Year Plan (2011-2015) SFYP (Part-1) provides strategic directions and policy framework. Chapter 8 provides policy framework relating to environment, climate change and disaster management for sustainable development (pages: 185-210) It described objectives and strategies of SFYP related to environmental management; forestry management; climate change and disaster management

13 The Sixth Five Year Plan (2011-2015) SFYP (Part-2) provides sectoral strategies, programs and policies Chapter 10 describes strategies and programs related to environment, climate change and disaster risk management (pages: 423-467) It gave an overview of environmental management and described future challenges Under managing climate change, the Plan describes vulnerability, adaptation and mitigation measures relating to climate change

14 Probable Questions 1. “Environment and Sustainable Development” has been addressed in most of the national plans and policies, Discuss. 2. What are the environmental management objectives and strategies in the SFYP? Discuss. (Part-1, pages: 190-192) 3. What are the policy objectives of disaster management as described in the SFYP? Discuss. (Part-2, pages: 458-459)

15 Further Reading Government of Bangladesh, Planning Commission. Unlocking the Potential: National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction (NSAPR) 2005. Also known as Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) ---------, Moving Ahead: National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction II (FY 2009-11), also known as NSAPR II or PRSP II ---------, Steps Towards Change or NSAPR II- revised (2009-2011) ---------, Sixth Five Year Plan (2011-2015)


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