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State Agency for Information Technology and Communications “High Added Value Soft Actions Facilitating Participation of NMS & ACC and INCO Organisations.

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Presentation on theme: "State Agency for Information Technology and Communications “High Added Value Soft Actions Facilitating Participation of NMS & ACC and INCO Organisations."— Presentation transcript:

1 State Agency for Information Technology and Communications “High Added Value Soft Actions Facilitating Participation of NMS & ACC and INCO Organisations in FP7-IST through the Innovative Use of the Concept of “Grid Computing” HAGRID “High Added Value Soft Actions Facilitating Participation of NMS & ACC and INCO Organisations in FP7-IST through the Innovative Use of the Concept of “Grid Computing” PROJECT OVERVIEW FP7 ICT Information Day 16 February 2007 Sofia, Bulgaria

2 State Agency for Information Technology and Communications HAGRID Consortium HAGRID Consortium (1/2) 14 partners 11 countries (5 NMS,1 ACCs, 5 EU-15) 4 IST NCPs 4 IRCs 4 scientific partners 1 Communic. expert

3 State Agency for Information Technology and Communications Q-PLAN N.G. ITTI & IPPT PAN IIMC H&K UNI TRANSFER LTU BME ARIES SAITC APRE METU & TUBITAK X10D HAGRID Consortium HAGRID Consortium (2/2)

4 State Agency for Information Technology and Communications HAGRID Core Idea (1/2) AIM: to provide an innovative Single Point of Access (SPOA) solution to newcomers and beginners in IST … … so as to accelerate their integration to the ERA in IST MAIN ELEMENTS: ‘GRID’ concept + Longer-lasting effect + post-project exploitation perspective

5 State Agency for Information Technology and Communications HAGRID Core Idea (2/2) Main Objectives: (1)To exploit synergies between the > 25 actual and future EU-funded SSAs supporting participation in ICT research, … for the benefit of European and INCO organisations interested in FP7-ICT. (2)To provide added value services tailored to the needs of any interested organisation.


7 State Agency for Information Technology and Communications Target groups & countries  Newcomers & beginners from NMS, ACC and INCO countries (either research organisations or enterprises),  SMEs and university spin-offs from the EU- 15 Target areas  FP7-ICT in general,  Converging technologies / applications  Multidisciplinary research and socio- economic issues of importance for the ICT acceptability & commercialisation HAGRID Scope

8 State Agency for Information Technology and Communications HAGRID Activities & Services (1/3) Conventional activities:  Promotion – publicity campaign (including quarterly newsletter)  Info-days / workshops (6)  Networking / partnering events (3, within major ICT events )  HAGRID website

9 State Agency for Information Technology and Communications Info-days / Training / Networking

10 State Agency for Information Technology and Communications e-Services (through a web-engine in HAGRID portal):  Partner Searches  Collaboration Profiles submission  Proposal ideas submission Allowing multiple access in the web-DBs of similar SSAs HAGRID Activities & Services (2/3)

11 State Agency for Information Technology and Communications  S1: ‘PR Research Profile’ (to promote the organisation and improve their image, 1-page)  S2: Research Action Plans (suggest overall strategy and specific actions to improve participation in FP7-ICT)  S3: Tailored Training Course (6months duration, including face-to-face and distance learning modules, training future evaluators and reviewers from NMS & ACC) Advanced Services (to individual organisations): HAGRID Activities & Services (3/3)

12 State Agency for Information Technology and Communications HAGRID Main Targets

13 State Agency for Information Technology and Communications Work Approach & Methodology Work Approach & Methodology (1/2) WP1: Project Management WP2: Portal Design & Development (detailed requirements, design & content, design and development of web-tools / engine & DBs, Portal development and testing) WP3: Collaboration Activities with Similar projects (establishment of initial communication, elaboration of the Collaboration Framework, establishment of collaboration, managing collaboration) WP4: Service Development (detailed specifications, preparation of the training & supporting material and tools, creation of a pool of experts, finalisation of Networking Plans & RAPs, training of the Services team)

14 State Agency for Information Technology and Communications WP5: Promotion, Awareness Creation and Networking Activities (publicity campaign, iInfo-days / Workshops, networking events) WP6: Portal Operation (operation of the site, operation of the DBs & web-tools / engine, updates and improvements, Collaboration Profiles & partner searches) WP7: Service Provision (selection of beneficiaries, Networking Plans, ‘Research Action Plans’, training sessions) WP8: Assessment, Review & Dissemination (Post-project Exploitation & Dissemination Plans, dissemination Activities & Workshop, Project Review & Good Practice) Work Approach & Methodology Work Approach & Methodology (2/2)

15 State Agency for Information Technology and Communications Overall Timetable 21 months

16 State Agency for Information Technology and Communications Thank you for your attention!

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