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IHST A Worldwide View Presenter : Bob Sheffield Event 6 th Annual Rotorcraft Symposium Location Cologne Germany Date 5-7 December 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "IHST A Worldwide View Presenter : Bob Sheffield Event 6 th Annual Rotorcraft Symposium Location Cologne Germany Date 5-7 December 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 IHST A Worldwide View Presenter : Bob Sheffield Event 6 th Annual Rotorcraft Symposium Location Cologne Germany Date 5-7 December 2012

2 Objectives Awareness –What is the IHST? Engagement 2

3 Overview IHST’s volunteer evolution Products Results 3

4 Why? 4 Every accident is our accident. Many helicopters save lives and others enable the otherwise impossible. Some passengers have no choice. Others don’t know any difference. We know how to make flying on a helicopter much safer. Helicopters are safe, but some are not operated as safely as they could be.


6 6 IHST Organization Chart Executive Committee Government Co-Chair FAA - Kim Smith Industry Co-Chair HAI – Matt Zuccaro Program Director FAA – James Viola Secretariat AHS – Mike Hirschberg Director Bristow – Bill Chiles Director Helicopter Assoc. Canada – Fred Jones Director Eurocopter - Gilles Bruniaux Director Somen Chowdhury Director AgustaWestland – Bob Sheffield Regional Partners - Australia, Brazil, Canada, Commonwealth of Independent States, Europe, India, Japan,,Middle East/North Africa and the United States Director Irish Aviation Authority – John Steel Director Flight Safety Foundation – Bill Voss Communications Team FAA - Tony Molinaro Metrics Team Co-Chair FAA - Sean Hafner Director Sikorsky – Fred Brisbois Metrics Team Co-Chair Ed DiCampli



9 9 Helicopter Accidents by Mission Type Analyzing 523 accidents in the U.S. from three years of data (2000, 2001, and 2006), the IHST has verified that these mission types have the highest percentage of accidents. mission type share of accidents 1.Personal/Private 18.5 percent 2.Instructional/Training 17.6 percent 3.Aerial Application 10.3 percent 4.Emergency Medical Services 7.6 percent 5.Commercial 7.5 percent

10 10 Helicopter Accidents by Activity Analyzing 523 accidents in the U.S. from three years of data (2000, 2001, and 2006), the IHST has verified that these activities have the highest percentage of accidents. activity share of accidents 1.Instructional/Training 22.8 percent 2.Positioning/RTB 13.2 percent 3.Personal/Private 12.4 percent 4.Passenger/Cargo 9.8 percent 5.Aerial Application 9.0 percent

11 IHST Focus Areas Safety Management Systems (SMS) Training Systems & equipment  Flight data monitoring systems (FDM)  Health monitoring systems (HUMS) Maintenance

12 12 IHST SAFETY TOOLKITS SMS 1st Edition Edition 2 Translation of Toolkits in Progress 12

13 13 IHST SAFETY TOOLS Helicopter Safety Leaflets Helicopter Airmanship –Degraded Visual Environment (DVE) –Vortex Ring State –Loss of Tail rotor Effectiveness (LTE) –Static and dynamic rollover Helicopter Safety Video Degraded Visual Environment (DVE) 13

14 14 Key Endorsements at Heli-Expo 2010 and IHSS 2010 In a ringing endorsement of the IHST safety initiative, the CEO’s of AgustaWestland, Bell Helicopter Textron, Eurocopter and Sikorsky Aircraft signed a joint letter captioned “A Call for Action by Helicopter Owners.” and “Ten Major Offshore Operators” signed a joint letter of commitment captioned “Call to Action by and for Offshore Helicopter 0perators” The letters call upon all operators “to implement the safety enhancements recommended by the International Helicopter Safety Team (IHST).” The areas cited in the letters are the adoption of: –Safety Management Systems (SMS) –Improved Training –Use of advanced systems/equipment Flight data monitoring systems (FDM) Health monitoring systems (HUMS) –Use of mission-specific equipment Night vision goggles Avionics to avoid controlled flight into terrain –Strict compliance with manufacturer’s maintenance program –Cultural/Behavioural Change, and –Crew Resource Management (CRM) Program

15 15 Heli-Expo 2011 - A Call for Action by HEMS Organizations “A Call to Action by and Helicopter Emergency Medical Services Organizations” – AAMS, AeroMed, ACCT, AMOA, EHAC, MedEvac, NEMSPA. The letter calls upon “all those who operate helicopters in the HEMS environment to implement the safety enhancements recommended by the IHST.” The areas cited in the letter are the adoption of: Safety Management Systems (SMS) Improved Training Use of advanced systems/equipment Flight data monitoring systems (FDM) Health monitoring systems (HUMS) Cultural/Behavioural Change, and Aeromedical Crew Resource Management (CRM) Programs

16 16 IHST = Worldwide Effort 5 00 Volunteers in 40 Countries Growing each Year Led by teams in the US, Canada and Europe, the IHST now has teams in: –Australia, –Brazil, –the Commonwealth of Independent States, –India, –Japan, –the Middle East & North Africa The IHST is working to establish effective teams in –Mexico, –New Zealand, and –South Africa.


18 N. America 3.5 Mil Flt Hrs 4.9 Acc / 100K S. America 258K Flt Hrs 14.0 Acc / 100K Europe 1.1 Mil. Flt Hrs 6.1 Acc / 100K Africa 221K Flt Hrs 5.4 Acc / 100K Asia 432K Flt Hrs 9.7 Acc / 100K Oceania 304K Flt Hrs 15.5 Acc / 100K World 5.9 Million Flt Hrs 6.4 Accidents per 100K Flt Hrs

19 An Accurate Understanding of the World’s Helicopter Operation (CY 2011)

20 Source: International Helicopter Safety Team






26 Civil Registered Helicopters Accidents IHST Started Jan 2006 Source: International Helicopter Safety Team

27 Current State Summary The IHST has produced tools that can deliver the 80% accident rate reduction. The tools are effective. The best operators have already proved them!

28 How can we reach those who haven’t heard or heeded the IHST’s recommendations?

29 Revised Strategy Leverage contacts with license holders –Regulators –Insurers –OEMs and associations operator events –Best operators Focus on the training sector –Current highest source of accidents –Opportunity to create a safety mindset in new pilots

30 IHST - CHANGING THE GAME Is it enough? In 2005, there were 436 civil helicopter accidents worldwide. In 2011, there were 382 civil helicopter accidents worldwide. We have seen progress, but not enough. HELP US MEET OUR GOAL!

31 31 WWW.IHST.ORG IHST ON FACEBOOK IHST ON TWITTER We encourage you to add the link your company website

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