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The California Community College (CCC) Transfer Path: Preparing for Transfer from a CCC to a 4-year college Presented by: Terry Armstrong, Counselor, Diablo.

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Presentation on theme: "The California Community College (CCC) Transfer Path: Preparing for Transfer from a CCC to a 4-year college Presented by: Terry Armstrong, Counselor, Diablo."— Presentation transcript:

1 The California Community College (CCC) Transfer Path: Preparing for Transfer from a CCC to a 4-year college Presented by: Terry Armstrong, Counselor, Diablo Valley College Nicola Place Retired, Senior Manager for Transfer & Career Services Diablo Valley College WACAC Executive Board Transfer Advocate & Treasurer Elect

2 Why Attend a California Community College?  The tangibles:  Cost  Convenience  Transfer Advantage to UC, CSU and many private colleges  The intangibles:  Greatest variety of people of any education system  Breadth of academic missions & options  Fosters development of resilience, adaptability, tolerance, resourcefulness, camaraderie, and, hopefully… a sense of humor.

3 The Transfer Advantage UC CCC transfer admit rates Fall 2013  Berkeley 27% (prior year: 24.9%); 93% from CCCs  Davis 63% (prior year 58%); 92%  LA 29% (28.4%), 93%  SD 56% (44.9%), 93%

4 The Top Six Reasons Why Students are Unsuccessful in College  #6 The myth of having “more free time” in college.  #5 Students are not prepared for the speed of the game (academics) at college.  #4 Students do not utilize the free counseling and academic advising services  #3 Lack of sleep and poor nutrition  #2 Delay in completing math prerequisites and/or requirements  #1 Students don’t create/follow their educational plans.

5 The Transfer Bachelors:

6 What is required to transfer? For UC AND CSU:  60+ TRANSFERABLE units  General Education of some form  Major Preparation if specified In-State-Private and Out-of-State institutions: Not required but are typically happy to admit transfer students who are UC and/or CSU eligible. Learn more at

7 The General Education Alphabet Soup:  “GE” = General Education  “IGETC” = Inter-segmental GE Transfer Curriculum  Accepted by UC, CSU and many CA private schools  “CSU GE” = Calif. State University GE  Accepted by CSU and many CA private schools NOTE: Most PRIVATE schools do NOT require students to complete GE prior to transfer – but it may be advantageous to do so ($$$)

8 IGETC Primer  Works for UC and CSU (i.e. CA Public schools)  Accepted in lieu of campus requirements  Good for most majors; not good for “High Unit” majors  37+ units, “C” or better in all  Consists of 5 Areas: English, Math, Social, Arts, Science plus LOTE (UC) or Speech (CSU)  The areas apply statewide:  Area 1 is always Area 1; only the course numbers change  Once are area is completed at 1 CCC, no need to do again.

9 Major Prep:  May be required prior to transfer (UC & CSU)  Most commonly in the UC system but also in the highly selective programs in the CSU.  Find out what’s required by UC and CSU on www.  Find out what’s recommended or required from private schools by contacting them – early and often!  See community college counselor every term. Learn more at

10 Requirements in more detail: UCCSUPrivate /Out of State Minimum Transferable Units? 60+ Varies: 0-60+ General Ed (GE) completed? Yes Varies; often not Minimum GPA to apply?2.4*2.0*Varies widely. Major prep done?YesOftenVaries SAT or ACT Required?No Varies Associates degree?NoNo* Other: Tests (i.e. TEAS) Extracurricular (i.e. work, volunteer, related experience) Varies by Major & program Varies Learn more at

11 And what about…  UC Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAGS):  6 UC campuses (NOT: LA, Berkeley, San Diego)  Search Google for UC TAGs  #1 thing to remember:  Even if you are TAG admitted, you must STILL complete full UC app  NEW: “AS-T” and “AA-T” Degrees for CSU Admission  PRO: May offer admission advantage; does offer a 60 unit guarantee after transfer for Bachelor’s.  CON: May take longer to complete that minimum transfer requirements

12 In closing: Summary and Tips  Major selection is especially important in transfer  UC and CSU minimum entry requirements are inflexible.  Private colleges and universities have more flexible entry requirements.  Encourage CCC students to see a CCC counselor EVERY SEMESTER  Reach out to the admissions reps in both public and private colleges and universities

13 Q & A Thank you for coming!

14 Resources  www.   UC websites, counselor conferences, e-mail group  CSU websites and counselor conferences  WACAC trainings and conferences

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