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Natural Family Planning Not Your Grandma’s Rhythm Method…

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Family Planning Not Your Grandma’s Rhythm Method…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Family Planning Not Your Grandma’s Rhythm Method…

2 Our Story O nce upon a time…

3 What Is Natural Family Planning?  Fertility awareness Observe Record Interpret  Responsible parenthood “The virtuous application of NFP.”

4 Why Use NFP?  To achieve pregnancy  To avoid pregnancy  For spiritual reasons  To monitor reproductive health

5 The Fertility Cycle  Phase I Pre-ovulation infertility  Phase II The fertile time  Phase III Post-ovulation infertility Image from

6 The Signs of Fertility  Primary signs Cervical fluid Basal body temperature Cervical position Bleeding or spotting  Secondary signs Ovulation pain Breast tenderness Mood changes Complexion changes

7 Cervical Fluid  Present around the time of ovulation  Positive sign of being fertile  Purpose: Swimming medium for sperm Prolongs sperm life Provides nutrients for the sperm

8 Basal Body Temperature  Shows that ovulation has already occurred  Used to measure luteal phase  Diagnostic tool Low progesterone Thyroid conditions

9 Mutual Fertility  Female fertility Mostly infertile Egg life 12 to 24 hours 48 hours max for two eggs  Male fertility Fertile from puberty on Sperm life A few hours to five days Depends on presence and quality of mucus Egg life + sperm life = the fertile window.

10 Cycle Irregularity  Normal experience  Degrees of irregularity 1-7 days—regular 8-20 days—moderately irregular 21+ days—very irregular  Types of irregularity Early or late ovulation PCOS, endometriosis, thyroid disorders, PMS

11 What Methods Are Available?  Ovulation method Billings Method Creighton Model  Sympto-thermal method Couple to Couple League

12 How effective is it really? Source: Epigee Women’s Health

13 Benefits of NFP  Health supporting No drugs or devices Diagnose potential fertility problems  Relationship building Enhances communication Treats spouses with dignity  Faithful to Church teaching

14 Marital Sexuality  Twofold meaning of the sexual union. Unitive—to strengthen the bonds of love between husband and wife Procreative—the transmission of new life  Intercourse is a gift of your total self to your spouse.

15 Historically Speaking…  Continuous Christian teaching prior to 1930 Lambeth Conference, Anglican Church breaks away  Castii Connubii—Pius XI, 1930  Address to Midwives—Pius XII, 1951  Gaudium et Spes—Paul VI, 1965  Humanae Vitae—Paul VI, 1968  Familiaris Consortio—John Paul II, 1981  Vademecum for Confessors—Pontifical Council for the Family, 1997

16 Humanae Vitae “With regard to physical, economic, psychological and social conditions, responsible parenthood is exercised by those who prudently and generously decide to have more children, and by those who, for serious reasons and with due respect to moral precepts, decide not to have additional children for either a certain or an indefinite period of time. ” – HV Par. 10

17 Responsible Parenthood  “…the virtuous application of fertility awareness.” –CCL Balance of generosity and prudence Prayerful consideration to have another child, or to avoid pregnancy

18 Contraception, Why Not?  Harmful to the body Many side effects Abortifacient potential  Does not treat spouses with dignity Must alter the body to be acceptable Burden on one partner  Blocks God’s grace in the marriage

19 Conclusion  NFP Is health supporting Can be used to achieve or avoid pregnancy Works with the body as it was designed Can be a marriage building experience The only method approved by the Church  None of these benefits are gained through contraception!

20 And they lived happily ever after…

21 Breakout Session Please separate and take a few moments to answer the discussion questions on your own. When you are done, return to your partner and share your thoughts with each other.

22 Question & Answer Session

23 Frequently Asked Questions  What class should I take?  How much abstinence is involved?  What if we aren’t planning to limit our family size?

24 Time for a break! Coming up next: Finances The Honeymoon The Wedding—Ceremony Details With Steve & Lisa Sepka

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