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Overview of Global Analysis and Description of Qualitative Analysis Emily Sonneveldt.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Global Analysis and Description of Qualitative Analysis Emily Sonneveldt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Global Analysis and Description of Qualitative Analysis Emily Sonneveldt

2 Purpose Advocacy –Will serve to set the stage and the foundation for global and country- specific advocacy. –To promote an evidence-based case for increased attention, resources and programming for LAPMs Identify areas for further research Creation of data depository

3 Methodology Secondary analysis of DHS data Projections using Reality Check and Spectrum

4 Research Questions Who are current LA/PM users and how do they differ from other modern method users, traditional method users, and non-users? What is the potential market for LA/PM? How big is it and what segments of the population are viable targets for LA/PM?

5 Question 1: Profiles of Users Comparison of LA, PM, short-acting, traditional, and non-users Variables: age, method mix, parity, ideal number of children, knowledge, residence, source of FP, wealth quintiles Countries with DHS after 2000 (originally just USAID PRN Countries +) –Creation of 3 databases >Long acting Method Countries (41) >Permanent Method Countries (40) >Combined LA/PM Countries (35) Grouping of countries

6 Sections Included Today Method Mix Parity Knowledge Quintile Analysis Estimating potential markets

7 Method Mix of Spacers and Limiters Method Mix

8 Trends in CPR and LA/PM Method Mix

9 Desired Fertility

10 Intention to use LA/PM Method Mix

11 Parity of Women Using Permanent Methods Women using permanent methods have already exceeded their desired parity. Parity

12 Parity of Women Using Permanent Methods Parity

13 Percent who have Exceeded their Desired Fertility Parity

14 Parity of Long-Acting Methods Users Parity

15 Knowledge of at Least one Modern Method Knowledge

16 Unpacking Knowledge Knowledge

17 Unpacking Knowledge Knowledge

18 Unpacking Knowledge Knowledge

19 Quintiles Analysis Percentage of Family Planning Users that are Using an LA/PM in the Poorest and Richest Quintiles Quintiles

20 Quintile Analysis Quintiles

21 Potential Market for LA/PM- Africa Market

22 Potential Market for LA/PM- Asia Market

23 Uses for this Analysis Identification of global issues and country specific situations, what is across the board, regional, and country specific –Development of advocacy messages –Use in strategic targeting for messages Combined with qualitative analysis to identify barriers to LA/PM use Assist in the strategic design of programming, both country identification and strategies Estimation of potential markets for LA/PM within countries and regions –Assist in planning for commodities

24 For more information please visit

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