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The Persuasive Essay.

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1 The Persuasive Essay

2 A persuasive essay convinces readers to agree with the writer’s opinion
The lead/hook captures the reader’s attention The thesis states the writer’s assertion (belief) about the topic The supporting arguments (logos, pathos, ethos) convince the reader that the thesis is correct Optional counter arguments respond to reader concerns and objections The conclusion restates the thesis (comes back to the point) Counter arguments are listed here as optional. Depending on the length of the essay, counter arguments may be omitted. Notice that the components have been color coded. They are color coded throughout this presentation. As an extension activity, students could use the color codes here to highlight mentor texts. (Mentor texts are pieces of literature that you can return to and reread for many different purposes. Mentor texts are to be studied and then imitated. Mentor texts help students make powerful connections to their own lives. Mentor texts help students take risks and try out new strategies.)

3 Lead / Hook Grab the Reader’s Attention
Anecdote (a short and amusing or interesting story) I walked proudly through the hallways of EAEC, my new blue mohawk glistening magnificently in the florescent lighting of the hallway, but then I saw Mr. Caruthers. I felt the wax in my hair start to melt. Question Do schools have the right to tell kids how to dress? Hyperbole exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally For the past 300 years in this country, schools have been crushing the artistic freedom of students with oppressive dress codes! Setting At Centerville Middle School, a controversy is brewing. Walk down the hallways, and amidst a tranquil sea of khaki pants and navy blue polo shirts, the blades of a fuchsia mohawk cut through the peaceful learning environment. Alliterative Phrase occurs when a series of words in a row (or close to a row) have the same first consonant sound Timeless. Tasteful. Tried and true. The traditional school uniform is the foundation of a true learning environment. Quotation “Give me liberty or give me death.” Here are some possible leads for a persuasive paper about school dress codes. Have students consider tone and audience. Which would be most appropriate?

4 Thesis and Forecast A thesis statement is always one sentence that states your assertion (belief) about a topic. A thesis statement usually includes a forecast (brief preview of your arguments). (I believe) ____________________ because of argument 1, argument 2, and argument 3. Introduce the thesis statement model. Have students practice writing thesis statements with the “I believe” stem until they become proficient. Some students may only need to be shown the example once—others may have to write four or five essays using the stem until they get the idea. I refer to the “I believe” stem as the “training wheels” for thesis statements. Once students are confident in their ability to write thesis statements, they can get rid of the “training wheels.” Show students the correlation between the planner and the thesis statement and forecast.

5 Text Structure of a Persuasive Essay
Introduction Paragraph Hook / Lead Introduce the topic and background information Thesis Statement (The arguable point you are going to prove in your essay) Body Paragraph 1 - Topic 1 Topic sentence – Point 1 from thesis Quote - Evidence/Support Commentary – Explain how your Evidence/Support relates to your point and your over all thesis Body Paragraph 2 – Topic 2 Body Paragraph 3 – Rebuttal Topic Sentence - introduces the OPPOSITE opinion of your Thesis Statement. Evidence: Give the strongest two arguments that the opposing side would use to support the opposite opinion of your thesis. (No Evidence/Support Required) Commentary - supporting sentences for EACH separate argument: After EACH argument, explain why the opposition evidence is wrong Conclusion Paragraph Restate your Thesis Statement in a new and interesting way by briefly reminding the reader of your strongest argument(s). Answer the question “So-what” Show students the correlation between the thesis and forecast and the planner.

6 Audience and Author’s Purpose
When writing persuasively, always remember the interaction between the writer and the reader. The writer is trying to persuade a reader who may be enthusiastic or resistant or simply disinterested. Persuasive writing must be well organized, but it must also hook the reader, and then keep him or her engaged with creative and authentic word choice.

7 Potential Topics Does Facebook (or other forms of social media) create isolation? Facebook let’s people stay connected and meet new friends, yet some argue people spend so much time on social media that they lose contact with real life. Do kids benefit if everyone on the team receives a trophy? If everyone on the team receives a trophy (even for participation) kids may feel like part of the team and feel as though their efforts matter. Others believe handing out trophies to all kids on the team simply makes them feel entitled.

8 Should all high school students be required to complete parenting classes? Parents often believe sexuality, family planning, and parenting should be taught at home, but many do not believe parents sufficiently educate their children about these topics and feel the school should provide teens with training for adulthood and require parenting classes. Does the school day start too early? While some simply say kids should go to bed earlier in order to be alert during the school day, others argue teens require more sleep and need to sleep later in order to function properly.

9 Are security cameras an invasion of privacy
Are security cameras an invasion of privacy? Security cameras are in place to protect both businesses and the general public, but some argue cameras have gone too far and actually invade privacy because people are constantly under surveillance. Is it ethical to sentence juveniles as adults? The old cliché is “If you do the crime, you should do the time,” but many believe it isn’t ethical to charge a juvenile as an adult, as a child’s brain isn’t fully developed yet.

10 Are sports like professional Football, Mixed Martial Arts, & Boxing too dangerous for people to participate in? Because of recent discoveries about chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), many believe these contact sports too dangerous, and rules need to change. Those on the other side of the argument believe that participants know the risks and thus should be allowed to play/participate.

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