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Getting Started with Adobe Illustrator CS6. Objectives Define illustration software Start Adobe Illustrator CS6 and change preference settings View the.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Started with Adobe Illustrator CS6. Objectives Define illustration software Start Adobe Illustrator CS6 and change preference settings View the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Started with Adobe Illustrator CS6

2 Objectives Define illustration software Start Adobe Illustrator CS6 and change preference settings View the workspace Create and save a document Change the artboard size and close a document Open a document and change views Get help Work with ruler guides Work with Smart Guides and exit Illustrator

3 Defining Illustration Software Vector graphics  Graphics created in Adobe Illustrator Created with lines and curves Defined by mathematical objects (i.e., vectors)  Consist of anchor points and line segments Together referred to as paths  Render bold graphics with crisp lines Can be scaled to various sizes

4 Defining Illustration Software With Illustrator, you can:  Create simple or complex illustrations Variety of simple shape and drawing tools  Apply process and spot colors Many swatch libraries  Create type Large blocks of text, large bold headlines, type on a path, or type that fills an object  Create gradient fills Multicolor blend that fills objects or outlines

5 Defining Illustration Software  Transform and distort objects Scale, Rotate, Reflect, Shear  Export documents Flash movies (*.swf), Photoshop documents (*.psd), and JPEGs (*.jpg)  Work with Multiple Artboards Work on front and back of a design in one document Design differently-sized components of a project

6 Defining Illustration Software FIGURE A-1: Vector graphic

7 Starting Adobe Illustrator CS6 and Changing Preference Settings Illustrator can be started by:  Selecting the program application icon or by double-clicking it Depends on operating system  In Windows: Click the Start button and navigate to Adobe Illustrator CS6  In Mac: Open Finder, click hard drive icon, click Applications, navigate to Adobe Illustrator CS6

8 Starting Adobe Illustrator CS6 and Changing Preference Settings FIGURE A-2: Starting Illustrator CS6 (Windows)

9 Starting Adobe Illustrator CS6 and Changing Preference Settings FIGURE A-2: Starting Illustrator (Macintosh)

10 Starting Adobe Illustrator CS6 and Changing Preference Settings Setting preferences  You can make changes to Illustrator based on your personal preferences For example, you can change the color of guides and Smart Guides, and specify whether documents are opened as tabbed or not  To open the Preferences dialog box, click Edit (Win) or Illustrator (Mac) on the Menu bar, point to Preferences, then click a preference category

11 Viewing the Workspace Workspace includes:  Tools panel  Status bar  Menu bar  Control panel  Additional panels Essentials  Default workspace  Includes basic tools and panels

12 Viewing the Workspace New workspace  Click Workspace switcher in Menu bar  Click Essentials  Modify using Control panel Custom workspaces  Used for specific types of projects Click Window on Menu bar Point to Workspace Click one of the nine workspace names

13 Viewing the Workspace FIGURE A-3: The Illustrator workspace

14 Creating and Saving a Document Creating a new document  Start by making choices in New Document dialog box Artboard name, size, and number Save As command  Save a document with a new name  Save recent changes New Document Profile menu  Specifies type of document needed

15 Creating and Saving a Document FIGURE A-4: New Document dialog box

16 Creating and Saving a Document FIGURE A-5: Save As dialog box

17 Changing the Artboard Size and Closing a Document Changing artboard size  Click Artboard tool on Tools panel  Dotted lines appear around selected artboard  Drag an edge or change width and height values on Control panel Exit artboard mode  Click any tool on Tools panel

18 Changing the Artboard Size and Closing a Document FIGURE A-6: Manually resizing the artboard

19 Changing the Artboard Size and Closing a Document FIGURE A-7: Left artboard is resized

20 Changing the Artboard Size and Closing a Document Close a document  Click Close button on document title or document tab Working in artboard mode  Many ways to work with multiple artboards  Click Artboard tool on Tools panel to enter artboard mode

21 Opening a Document and Changing Views Opening Illustrator documents  Preview mode Shows fill and stroke colors Shows how each object is layered  Outline mode Shows only the vector outline Bounding box  Selection box that appears when object is selected an object  Contains resize handles

22 Opening a Document and Changing Views Creating new views  Artboard area can be defined and saved as named view Can be selected from View menu  New View feature Allows creation of window views of specific sections of the artboard

23 Opening a Document and Changing Views

24 Getting Help Help feature  Can be accessed while working in Illustrator  Provides articles on specific Illustrator topics, videos, and tutorials Click Help on Menu bar Click Illustrator Help Illustrator Help page of website opens

25 Getting Help FIGURE A-10: Adobe Illustrator CS6 Help screen

26 Getting Help FIGURE A-11: Improved user interface page

27 Getting Help FIGURE A-12: Panels information

28 Working with Ruler Guides Ruler guides  Vertical and horizontal lines useful for aligning objects on the artboard  Created using the horizontal and vertical rulers in the workspace  Can be locked or unlocked  Can be moved, deleted, and hidden

29 Working with Ruler Guides FIGURE A-13: Viewing the rulers in Illustrator

30 Working with Ruler Guides FIGURE A-14: Viewing the horizontal guide

31 Working with Ruler Guides FIGURE A-15: Viewing the vertical guide

32 Working with Smart Guides and Exiting Illustrator Smart Guides  Visual aids that work alongside ruler guides  Useful when you need to be precise about alignment of objects and for moving objects  Appear as you drag the mouse pointer over the artboard

33 Working with Smart Guides and Exiting Illustrator FIGURE A-16: Viewing Smart Guides

34 Working with Smart Guides and Exiting Illustrator FIGURE A-17: Aligning the center of the two objects

35 Working with Smart Guides and Exiting Illustrator FIGURE A-18: Result of moving the diamond

36 Summary Define illustration software Start Adobe Illustrator CS6 and change preference settings View the workspace Create and save a document Change the artboard size and close a document Open a document and change views Get help Work with ruler guides Work with Smart Guides and exit Illustrator

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