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Designed by: Peter Arendt James Pachan Paul Sobczak.

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Presentation on theme: "Designed by: Peter Arendt James Pachan Paul Sobczak."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designed by: Peter Arendt James Pachan Paul Sobczak

2 Initial Concept  Foot operated device  Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) controller  Record Loops…

3 Design Requirements Sturdy Box Heavy duty switches Microcontroller Ease of Use Keep costs down

4 Wk 1 – Finalize Design Idea Wk 2 – Investigate MIDI Wk 3 – Breadboard-up a circuit Wk 4 – Design switch implementation Wk 5 – Finalize Code Wk 6 – Design and Print PCB Wk 7 – Finalize enclosure Wk 8 – Put it all together Timeline

5 Components Budget Enclosure 5V DC power supply PIC16F876A Switches Finishing Stickers Printed Circuit Board PCB Jacks PCB components ExpectedCost $100 $30 $5.900 $1512 $32 $00 0 0 $36.90 14

6 Schematic

7 More Work

8 Lessons Learned MIDI Commands The Joys of Top-Down Programming Don’t Demolish Working PCB Serial Communication with PIC Teamwork Can be Very Helpful

9 Future Work Extremely Versatile Easily Reprogrammed Software Controller

10 Demonstration

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