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HL7 Development Framework Tutorial Abdul-Malik Shakir Principal Consultant, Shakir Consulting October 1, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "HL7 Development Framework Tutorial Abdul-Malik Shakir Principal Consultant, Shakir Consulting October 1, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 HL7 Development Framework Tutorial Abdul-Malik Shakir Principal Consultant, Shakir Consulting October 1, 2002

2 HL7 Development Framework Tutorial2 Session Overview HL7 Development Framework Project  Project Introduction  Project Background  Project Scope and Objectives  Project Accomplishments  Project Next Steps HL7 Development Framework Metamodel  UML 2.0 Metamodel  UML Metamodel Extension Mechanisms  HL7 MDF Metamodel  HDF Metamodel and Profile HL7 Development Framework Methodology  MDF Methodology  HDF Methodology

3 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial3 My HL7 Background Abdul-Malik Shakir Principal Consultant, Shakir Consulting, La Verne, CA HL7 Member since 1991 Member of the HL7 Board of Directors Appointed Chair of the HL7 Education and Implementation Committee Member of the HL7 Architectural Review Board Co-Chair of the HL7 Modeling and Methodology Technical Committee Project Manager for the HL7 Development Framework Project

4 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial4 Session Objectives To raise awareness of the HL7 Development Framework (HDF) project. To summarize the accomplishments and remaining planned activities of the HDF project. To introduce the HDF metamodel and its mapping to the UML metamodel To introduce the HDF methodology and its relationship to the MDF methodology To encourage your participation in designing and developing the HDF methodology.

5 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial5 HL7 Development Framework Project  Project Introduction  Project Background  Project Scope and Objectives  Project Accomplishment  Project Next Steps

6 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial6 Project Introduction The purpose of the Health Level Seven (HL7) Development Framework Project is to research, analyze, design, and document the processes, policies, and artifacts associated with development of HL7 standards specifications. The HL7 Development Framework (HDF) project will enable HL7 to:  Maximize the benefits it derives from using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) as a foundation for its model-based approach to standards development;  Expand application of its modeled-based approach for standards development beyond messaging to its other standards such as structured documents, context management, and standards related to electronic health records;  Facilitate the participation of HL7 members, subject matter experts, and implementers in the development of HL7 standards. The HDF project is sponsored by Health Level Seven, Inc. with partial funding from the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). Project management is provided by Shakir Consulting.

7 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial7 Project Background – Health Level Seven Health Level Seven (HL7) is an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Developer. The mission of HL7 is to provide a comprehensive framework and related standards for the exchange, integration, storage, and retrieval of health information that support clinical practices and the management, delivery and evaluation of health services. HL7 began developing standards in 1987 with the publication of its messaging specification - the Application Protocol for Electronic Data Exchange in Healthcare Environments. The standard provides the layout of messages that are exchanged between two or more applications based upon a particular trigger event. It specifies which data elements are to be sent, the data type and suggested length of each element, and indicates whether the data element is required or optional and whether it may repeat.

8 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial8 Project Background – HL7 Standards In the years since its founding, HL7 has evolved beyond traditional messaging protocols. Today HL7 standards development initiatives include:  standardization of knowledge representation (Arden Syntax);  specification of components for context management (known as CCOW);  support for healthcare data interchange using object request brokers;  standardization of clinical document structures;  specification of robust vocabulary definitions for use in clinical messages and documents; and  work in the area of security, privacy, confidentiality, and accountability. In 2001 HL7 modified it mission statement to specifically include standards, guidelines, methodologies, and related services for the management of electronic health records.

9 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial9 Project Background – HL7 V3 Methodology In 1992 HL7 made a fundamental shift in the methodology it uses to develop its standards specifications. The new methodology, referred to as HL7 Version 3.0 (or V3), is a model- driven methodology based upon modern object-oriented software development practices. HL7 spent four years creating the methodology that adapts modern analysis techniques from system building to message design. Initially the HL7 Executive Committee chartered an independent task force to establish the broad outline of the approach. In January 1996, the Technical Steering Committee agreed to adopt the main features of the approach and take over its management. Planning work continued in the Modeling and Methodology Technical Committee. In the spring of 1997, all the HL7 Technical Committees began to use the V3 process.

10 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial10 Project Background – HL7 V3 Messaging Standard Balloting on an initial set of V3 message specifications began in August 2001. This first set of V3 messages provide comprehensive coverage of patient administration, laboratory and pharmacy orders, medical records management, and initial proposals for scheduling. A new set of electronic claims messages support a contingent of HL7 international affiliates now working on creating financial transactions to support an e-claims submission process. The HL7 Version 3.0 development methodology is a continuously evolving process that seeks to develop specifications that facilitate interoperability between healthcare systems. The HL7 Reference Information Model (RIM), vocabulary specifications, and model-driven process of analysis and design combine to make HL7 Version 3.0 an exemplary methodology for development of consensus-based standards for healthcare information system interoperability.

11 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial11 Project Background – Unified Modeling Language The models used in the HL7 V3 process are based upon the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The UML is a graphical language for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of a software-intensive system. The UML is an Object Management Group standard that represents the unification of best practices in practical object-oriented modeling. Development of the UML began in 1994 when James Rumbaugh and Grady Booch of Rational Software Corporation began combining the concepts from the Object Modeling Technique (OMT) and Booch methods, resulting in a unified specification in 1995. In the Fall of 1995, Ivar Jacobson joined Rational and the unification effort, merging in the Object-Oriented Software Engineering method (OOSE). The joint work of Rumbaugh, Booch, and Jacobson was called the Unified Modeling Language (UML).

12 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial12 Project Background – UML v2.0 The current version of the UML specification (v1.4) was published in September 2001. Under the stewardship of the OMG, the UML has emerged as the software industry’s dominant modeling language. It has been successfully applied to a wide range of domains, ranging from health and finance to aerospace. Its extensive use has raised numerous application and implementation issues by modelers and vendors. Over 500 formal usage and implementation issues have been submitted to the OMG for consideration. Many of the issues have been resolved in minor revisions by the OMG UML Revision Task Force. Other issues require major changes to the language; consequently, the OMG has issued RFPs to define UML 2.0.

13 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial13 Project Background – XMI and MOF The UML is part of OMG’s catalog of modeling specifications. Other OMG modeling specifications with relevance to the HDF project include the XML Meta-Data Interchange (XMI) and the Meta-Object Facility (MOF) specifications. XMI is a specification enabling easy interchange of metadata between modeling tools and metadata repositories in distributed heterogeneous environments. The OMG XMI specification leverages XML (eXtensible Markup Language) technology to support the interchange of meta-data and meta-models between MOF-based meta-data repositories. The MOF is a set of standard interfaces used to define and manipulate a set of interoperable metamodels and their corresponding models. It provides a framework that supports the management of metadata. The MOF is based upon a four layer meta-modeling architecture. The key feature of this architecture is a meta-meta-modeling layer which provides a common language that defines the meta-models.

14 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial14 Project Background – HL7 MDF The HL7 Message Development Framework (MDF) defines the HL7 V3 model-based process of message development. It identifies the phases, activities, and models used in the process of developing HL7 message specifications. It also includes a meta-model specification of the Reference Model Repository (RMR) used to store and manage the artifacts produced during the message development process. The HL7 MDF was first published in 1997. It has undergone two major revisions since then; once in 1998 and again in 1999. The current version of the MDF (v3.3), published in December 1999, has not been maintained and is consequently out of alignment with current message development practices. The HL7 Message Development Framework will be superceded by the HL7 Development Framework, the HDF.

15 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial15 Project Background – HL7 MDF Process Model

16 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial16 Project Background – HL7 Development Framework The HL7 Development Framework (HDF) is a replacement for and an extension to the HL7 Message Development Framework (MDF). The HDF differs from the MDF in terms of:  Scope of Coverage  Alignment with UML  Maintenance/versioning Procedures Companion documents to the HDF are:  The HDF Metamodel Specification  The HDF Practical Guide

17 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial17 Project Scope and Objectives Project Scope:  Develop and publish the HDF Metamodel  Develop and publish the initial version of the HDF  Develop a preliminary draft of the HDF Practical Guide Project Objectives:  Maximize the benefits HL7 derives from using UML as a foundation for its model-based approach to standards development.  Expand the modeled-based approach for standards development beyond the HL7 messaging standard.  Facilitate the participation of HL7 members, subject matter experts, and implementers in the development of HL7 standards.  Enable HL7 to remain the industry leader in model-driven development of comprehensive standards for application interoperability in the Health industry.

18 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial18 HDF Project Accomplishments Project Administration  Project initiation  Project Planning  Project monitoring and status reporting HDF Metamodel  Collect Relevant Metamodel Documentation  Compare MDF and UML Metamodels  Prepare HDF Metamodel and UML Profile HDF Methodology  Identified HDF Methodology Lifecycle  Identified HDF Methodology Deliverables  Began preparation of the HDF Methodology Specification HDF Practical Guide  Prepared HDF Tutorial  Began preparation of the HDF Practical Guide Document

19 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial19 HDF Project Next Steps Project Administration  Phase II Project initiation  Phase II Project Planning HDF Metamodel  Peer review of the HDF Metamodel specification  Consideration of the UML v2.0 proposal  Examination of the HDF Metamodel tooling implications HDF Methodology  Completion of v1.0 of the HDF Methodology Specification  Peer review of the HDF Methodology Specification  Consideration of the UN/CEFACT Unified Modeling Methodology HDF Practical Guide  Examination of the HDF Methodology education and training implications  Completion of v1.0 of the HDF Practical Guide Document  Peer review of the HDF Practical Guide Document

20 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial20 Questions Abdul-Malik Shakir Principal Consultant Shakir Consulting 1911 Foothill Blvd., Suite 148 La Verne, CA 91750 Office: (909) 596-6790 Mobile: (626) 644-4491 Email:

21 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial21 HL7 Development Framework Metamodel  UML 2.0 Metamodel  UML Metamodel Extension Mechanisms ----- Cookie Break -----  HL7 MDF Metamodel  HDF Metamodel and Profile

22 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial22 Four Layer Meta-data Architecture M0: The user object layer The user object layer is comprised of the information to be described. This information is typically referred to as “data.” M1: The model layer The model layer is comprised of the meta-data that describes information in the user object layer. M2: The meta-model layer The meta-model layer is comprised of the descriptions (i.e., meta- meta-data) that define the structure and semantics of meta-data. It is the “language” used in the construction of models. M3: The meta-meta-model layer The meta-meta-model layer is comprised of the description of the structure and semantics of meta-meta-data. In other words, it is the “language” used in the construction of meta-models.

23 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial23 One Person’s Model is the Next Person’s Metamodel MOFUMLHDF HL7 Model HL7 Spec. HL7 Impl. Health Data M3 M2 M1 M0Methodologist’s View M3 M2 M1 M0 Standards Developer’s View M3 M2 M1 M0 Implementer’s View M3 M2 M1 M0End-User’s View

24 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial24 Methodologist View M0: The HL7 Reference Information Model and Domain Specific Design Information Models are example of HL7 models. M1: The HDF Metamodel is a collection of model elements that describe the structure, semantics, and constraints of the elements in a well-formed HL7 model. M2: The UML Metamodel is a description of the structure, semantics, and constraints of elements in the HDF Metamodel. M3: MOF is a description of the structure, semantics, and constraints of elements in the UML Metamodel.

25 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial25 Standard Developer View M0: The HL7 v3.0 Laboratory Message Specification is an example of an HL7 standard specification M1: The HL7 Reference Information Model and Domain Specific Design Information Models are example of HL7 models. They describe the semantics and constraints of elements in an HL7 standard. M2: The HDF Metamodel is a collection of model elements that describe the structure, semantics, and constraints of the elements in a well-formed HL7 model. M3: The UML Metamodel is a description of the structure, semantics, and constraints of elements in the HDF Metamodel.

26 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial26 The HDF Metamodel This presentation of the HDF metamodel takes the methodologist view. The HDF metamodel defines the structure, semantics, and constraints for elements used in creating well-formed HL7 models. The content of the HDF metamodel is derived from the UML metamodel and takes advantage of the extension mechanisms defined by UML. The UML metamodel is the HDF’s meta-model. The meta-meta- model for HL7 models. Later in this presentation, when describing the HDF methodology, the perspective will shift to the standards developer’s view. In the standards developer’s view the HL7 models are the metamodels for well formed HL7 standard specifications and the HDF metamodel is the meta-meta-model.

27 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial27 UML Metamodel Foundation  Core  Extension Mechanisms  Datatypes Behavior Elements  Common Behavior  Collaborations  Use Cases  State Machines  Activity Graphs Model Management  Package  Subsystem  Model

28 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial28 UML Metamodel Foundation Core Extension Mechanisms  Datatypes Behavior Elements  Common Behavior  Collaborations Use Cases State Machines  Activity Graphs Model Management Package  Subsystem Model

29 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial29 UML Metamodel Packages

30 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial30 UML Metamodel - Core Backbone Classifiers Dependencies Relationships Auxilary Elements

31 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial31 UML Metamodel – Core Backbone

32 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial32 UML Metamodel – Core Classifiers

33 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial33 UML Metamodel – Core Relationship

34 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial34 UML Metamodel – Use Case

35 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial35 UML Metamodel – State Machine

36 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial36 UML Metamodel – Model Management

37 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial37 UML Metamodel - Extension Mechanisms

38 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial38 UML Extension Mechanisms Stereotype A stereotype is, in effect, a subclass of an existing metamodel element with the same form (attributes and relationships) but with different intent. A stereotyped element may have additional constraints on it from the base metamodel class. It may also have tagged values that add information needed by elements branded with the stereotype. Tag Definition Tag definitions specify new kinds of properties that may be attached to model elements. The actual properties of individual model elements are specified using Tagged Values. Tag definitions are used to define the virtual meta attributes of the stereotype to which they are attached. Stereotype Constraint Designates constraints that apply to all model elements branded by the stereotype to which they are attached. A constraint is semantic information attached to a model element that specifies conditions and propositions that must be maintained as true; otherwise, the associated model element is not well-formed. Tagged Value A tagged value is a keyword-value pair that may be attached to any kind of model element. The keyword is called a tag. Each tag represents a particular kind of property applicable to one or many kinds of model elements.

39 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial39 Cookie Break – 30 Minutes

40 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial40 HDF Development Process

41 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial41 HL7 Message Development Framework Metamodel The MDF metamodel v1.13 is included in the December 1999 MDF (v3.3). The MDF metamodel was updated in August 2000 (v1.14) to include major revisions to the message design model. The MDF metamodel was updated again in May of 2002 (v1.16) to reflect major revisions to the practice of producing design information models based upon the RIM. Proposed revisions to the Vocabulary model portion of the MDF metamodel are being developed by the Vocabulary Technical Committee. An preliminary version of the proposed vocabulary portion of the MDF metamodel was formally reviewed by the Modeling and Methodology Technical Committee in July 2002. The HDF Metamodel is base upon a comparison of the UML metamodel to v1.16 of the MDF metamodel ( including the proposed revisions to the vocabulary portion).

42 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial42 Packages of the HL7 MDF Metamodel Model Identification and Scope Use Case Model Information Model Datatype Model Vocabulary Domain Model  Design Information Model  Hierarchical Message Description Interaction Model

43 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial43 MDF: Model Identification and Scope

44 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial44 HDF: Model Identification and Packaging

45 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial45 MDF: Use Case Model

46 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial46 HDF: Use Case Model

47 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial47 MDF: Information Model

48 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial48 HDF: Information Model ~ Class/Attribute

49 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial49 HDF: Information Model ~ Relationship

50 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial50 HDF: Information Model ~ States

51 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial51 MDF: Datatype Model

52 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial52 HDF: Datatype Model

53 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial53 MDF: Vocabulary Model (proposed)

54 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial54 HDF: Vocabulary Model

55 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial55 MDF: Design Information Model

56 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial56 HDF: Information Model ~ Class/Attribute

57 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial57 HDF UML Profile Specification

58 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial58 HDF Metamodel Development Next Steps The HDF UML Profile Specification also includes complete tag definitions and stereotype constraint specifications. Additional work is required to complete the specification of the HDF UML Profile and Metamodel specification to reflect the needs of Design Information Models and Hierarchical Model Descriptions. Work on the Interaction Model portion of the HDF Metamodel and Profile will be addressed in Phase II of the HDF project. The Phase I HDF Metamodel specification and UML Profile will undergo peer review within the Modeling and Methodology committee. MnM will be conducting a peer review of the HDF metamodel during the Q1 and Q2 of Wednesday, October 2, 2002.

59 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial59 HL7 Development Framework Methodology  MDF Methodology  HDF Methodology

60 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial60 The MDF Methodology Overview

61 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial61 Use Case Model Use Case Diagram Spec UCM Spec Associate Actors and Use Cases Develop Scope Identify actors and Use Cases MDF Models and Process Flow Message Design 2-nd Order 1 choice of 0-n Drug 0-1 Nursing h//mt:50”d” … Develop Refined Message Information Model (RMIM) Specify HMD & METs with constraints Specify CMET Information Model State DiagramClass Diagram Define vocabulary domains and codes Define states, transitions and triggers Define classes, attributes, and relationships Spec RIM Spec Interaction Model Interaction Diagram Define Application Roles Define Interactions Define Conformance Criteria Spec Inter Spec Storyboard

62 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial62 Simplified MDF Data Model

63 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial63 MDF Methodology in a nut shell 1.Domain specialists define the essentials of their messaging requirements. Visio RMIM tooling is available as is a Publications database to document storyboards, interactions and application roles. 2.Specialist prepares a design R-MIM using Rosetree and then builds a preliminary HMD by “walking the graph” 3.Committee reviews HMD content. Revise as necessary. 4.Working with spreadsheets of the HMD (or directly using Rosetree), the committee maps out the constraints on the HMD that constitute the specific message types 5.The resulting databases are assembled and processed with publication tooling to include in the ballot package Steps 1-4 are iterative as the Committee clarifies the specifications

64 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial64 The HDF Methodology Overview

65 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial65 Project Initiation Define the project scope and objectives Identify project assumptions and constraints Identify major project deliverables Identify project resource requirements Develop project plan with timeline for project phases, activities, and tasks Obtain required project approvals

66 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial66 Requirements Gathering and Analysis Prepare storyboards that elaborate upon the project scope statement. Conduct an analysis of the storyboards to identify major Actors and potential Use Cases. Construct a Use Case and Activity model depicting the behavioral component of the requirements. Identify information requirements and construct an information model depicting the static component of the requirements. Prepare Collaboration and Sequence diagrams to depict the interaction requirements. Update the Project Charter as needed.

67 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial67 Requirements Normalization and Harmonization Map models from the Requirements Specification to Reference Models. Revise models in the Requirements Specification based upon discoveries made during the mapping process. Document proposed changes to Reference Models to accommodate unmapped requirements. Follow the reference model harmonization process to adjudicate the proposed changes to Reference Models. Apply approved changes to the HL7 Reference Models. Revise the Requirements Specification as needed and its mapping to the Reference Models.

68 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial68 Specification Design and Packaging The Requirements Specification is used to drive the transformation of Reference Models into Design Models. The HDF UML Profile provides constraints to aid in ensuring that design models are well-formed and depict the requirements in a way that remains consistent and traceable back to harmonized reference models. The contents of design models are organized into interdependent packages that partition the design space by domain, sub-domain, and target standard type (message, document, component). Common or reusable design artifacts are packaged in a way that makes them assessable across design model packages and design models. Construction of the design model may lead to new discoveries that result in required enhancements to the reference models.

69 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial69 Specification Publication and Balloting Design model content is re-packaged in preparation for publishing. Conflicts and inconsistencies among design models are resolved, including the resolution of artifact identifiers and inter-model references. A publication package is assembled for each ballot specification and a committee level ballot is conducted. Multiple committee level ballots may be required to resolve negative comments received during balloting. A full membership ballot is conducted and upon successful completion the design specification becomes an HL7 standard. At the discretion of the HL7 Board selected HL7 balloted standards are submitted for publication as national or international standards (i.e., ANSI or ISO).

70 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial70 Specification Refinement and Localization The balloted HL7 Standard is designed to serve the needs of a large and diverse population of users. It is sometimes necessary to defined additional refinements and constraints to the standard to facilitate its use in a particular context. Context for used of a standard might be influenced by uniqueness in the jurisdiction, region, or clinical discipline for which the standard is to be applied. Because of the international nature of the HL7 standard the need for regional or local refinements is anticipated and the process for localization of the standard is formalized in the HDF. Refinements are applied to the standard specification much in the same way as the iterative refinement that occurred during design. Each refinement may further constrain multiplicities and optionality specified in the standard and may include allowed datatype or vocabulary domain substitutions. The resulting refined/localized standard is a template specification. The template may be registered with HL7 where other in the community defined by the context of the template may access it for use as an extension to the standard specification. Each Template Specification is entirely conformant with the standard specification on which it was based. A Template Specification is a context specific rendering of the standard.

71 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial71 Specification Implementation and Validation Implementation of the standard involves mapping the information component of the standard to data structures in a particular application and incorporating the behavior aspects of the standard into the behavior of the application. The standard specification along with template specifications are used by implementers to develop an implementation profile that describes the design of a particular implementation. The implementation profile includes documentation of the use of extension mechanisms built into the standard, the resolution of choice and optional structures, and a statement of the adherence of the application to sender and receiver responsibilities defined in the standard or template. An Implementation Profile may be used to represent the capabilities of a particular developer’s application or it may be used to represent the implementation specific requirements of a potential consumer of a vendor product. A conformance specification documents the implementation profile in a format that can be validated against the standard. The conformance specification once validated would highlight those portions of the Implementation Profile that are non- conformant with the HL7 standard specifications.

72 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial72 The HDF Methodology Overview

73 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial73 HDF Methodology Next Steps The HDF Methodology Specification is still a work-in-progress. The principal drivers behind the design of the HDF methodology are:  Maximize the effective use of subject matter experts in shaping the standard  Exploit the power of the Unified Modeling Language and the Model-Driven Architecture  Establish a methodology that is applicable to all the areas in which HL7 intends to establish standards  Maintain a model-driven, technology-neutral, and international perspective The HDF Project will have a phase II in which additional issues will be addressed such as:  Consideration of the impact of UML v2.0  Consideration of the UN/CEFACT UMM project  Consideration of the OMG MDA activities The MnM Technical Committee will be meeting on Thursday, October 3, 2002 during Q2 and Q3 to begin planning Phase II of the HDF Project.

74 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial74 Questions Abdul-Malik Shakir Principal Consultant Shakir Consulting 1911 Foothill Blvd., Suite 148 La Verne, CA 91750 Office: (909) 596-6790 Mobile: (626) 644-4491 Email:

75 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial75 Thank You Abdul-Malik Shakir Principal Consultant Shakir Consulting 1911 Foothill Blvd., Suite 148 La Verne, CA 91750 Office: (909) 596-6790 Mobile: (626) 644-4491 Email:

76 October 1, 2002HL7 Development Framework Tutorial76

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