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Assistive Technology Jordan Smith. Visually Impaired Screen Reader Scenario: While you are in the classroom, a student is on the computer. You the teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "Assistive Technology Jordan Smith. Visually Impaired Screen Reader Scenario: While you are in the classroom, a student is on the computer. You the teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assistive Technology Jordan Smith

2 Visually Impaired Screen Reader Scenario: While you are in the classroom, a student is on the computer. You the teacher hook up the screen reader and help them through the assignment on the computer. With this screen reader the student is able to know what is on the computer and complete the assignment. A screen reader is designed to explain what is one the computer by using sound, pictures, and reading the text. Screen readers can be academically positive in the classroom by allowing students to be able to be more independent and navigate on the computer. A potential barrier this device could bring is having to be used solely on a computer. This device is used on a computer, and not all parts of a lesson can be done using a computer.

3 Visually Impaired Closed Circuit Magnification Scenario: You have a student in your classroom that is visually impaired. You want all your students to be involved in your daily lesson. Using a closed circuit magnification could allow you to involve everyone. When going over worksheets, such as homework or daily review, the student will be able to place the worksheet under the projector to enlarge it on the screen so that he/she will be able to follow along and participate in class discussion and/or review. Technology system that magnifies documents on a screen for the visually impaired. Having one of these in a classroom would be academically positive because it would help the visually impaired be able to participate with handouts and textbook assignments. A potential barrier this could bring in the learning environment is when a lesson is done using the Smart Board, the student is not able to use the magnification device.

4 Visually Impaired Braille Translation Device Scenario: Teachers could use this device in many ways. As a teacher if you where going over a reading assignment on the computer, you could run the assignment through to the Braille machine so that it can be translated for the student to follow along. Device that translates words into Braille for the blind to be able to read. This device is an academic gain because it allows the blind to be able to follow along, by having text translated into Braille for them. A potential barrier for this is, having information translated wrong into Braille. Another barrier is making sure that the correct information got translated into Braille and was translated properly.

5 Developmentally/Physically Challenged Adaptive Keyboard Scenario: In your classroom, you ask the students to do an assignment on the computer. Having a developmentally/physically challenged student, you the teacher can help them complete the assignment by helping them locate the keys on the adaptive keyboard. A keyboard that is in alphabetical order, so the students are able to focus on the letters instead of trying to find the letters on a normal keyboard. An adaptive keyboard would be an academic gain because it is a keyboard to where they are able to focus on the assignment rather than trying to figure out the keyboard itself. With an adaptive keyboard, a potential barrier would be the students not being used to a regular keyboard. If they were to go out into a different setting that didn’t offer an adaptive keyboard they would not know how to use a regular keyboard.

6 Developmentally/Physically Challenged Alternate Communication Device Scenario: In your classroom, you are asking the students to explain their emotions. By using this device the student is able to answer the question by pressing their emotion on the screen. Device that allows students with illness such as Down Syndrome or Autism communicate. This device will allow students to communicate and answer questions asked by the teacher. A potential barrier of this device is for students with a speech impediment, they would depend on this device and not try to use their words.

7 Developmentally/Physically Challenged Adaptive Student Desk Scenario: In your classroom, you ask the students to get notebooks out so you can go by and check them. By having a adaptive student desk, that child with assistance will be able to have their notebook out ready for you to check it. Desk that is designed to fit the need of a student. The desk can be adjusted for height, leg area, and for standing. This desk can be beneficial in a classroom because students who are not able to physically sit in a desk, can now have a desk like everyone else. With these desks, the students will be able to complete worksheets and open text books on their desk. This desk will allow them to feel independent. A potential barrier for this is

8 Deaf and Hard of Hearing Personal Amplification Device Scenario: In your room you are going over a math lesson. You have a student that is hard of hearing and needs a personal amplifier. Having this will allow the teacher to be able to communicate to the student without having someone translate to him/her. Personal hearing aid to hear things going on around you. This is a benefit in a classroom because students who have trouble hearing are able to hear what is going on around them and be involved. A barrier for this device is if it gets to loud in the classroom it may make it harder for the student to hear and be uncomfortable to them.

9 Deaf and Hard of Hearing Audio/Visual Communication Devices Scenario: As a teacher, you are going over a lesson. While teaching remember to talk slowly to where they are able to follow along by reading your lips. ‘Magnification of the mouth to better understand what is being said’. For someone who is deaf or hard of hearing this device would be academically beneficial for them. This device would allow them to understand the teacher by being able to read his/her lips. The only downfall with this device is that it could get the other students attention. The other students would be interested in what is on the screen than focusing on the teacher.

10 Deaf and Hard of Hearing Voice to Text Translation Scenario: In your classroom you are going over a social studies lesson. Before you get started on the lesson, you could have this information translated into text format for the student who is deaf/hard of hearing. This way they are able to be involved and go along with the lesson. A device that is used to speak into and translate it into text format. This device could be academically positive because it will allow teachers to convert information into text format for those that are deaf and hard of hearing. The voice to text translation could be a barrier because it could misprint words or translate the wrong word.

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