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Measurement of Shear Viscosity in Lattice Gauge Theory without Kubo Formula Masakiyo Kitazawa with M. Asakawa, B. Muller, C. Nonaka Lattice2008 Jul. 14,

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1 Measurement of Shear Viscosity in Lattice Gauge Theory without Kubo Formula Masakiyo Kitazawa with M. Asakawa, B. Muller, C. Nonaka Lattice2008 Jul. 14, 2008

2 Transport Coefficients of the QGP Transport Coefficients of the QGP Success of ideal hydrodynamic models to describe RHIC data.  /s=1/4  from AdS/CFT – lower bound? Analyses of viscosities on the lattice One of the hottest topics! Karsch, Wyld 1987; Nakamura, Sakai 1997,2004; Meyer 2007, 2008, talk on Fri. ; Pica talk on Thu. based on the Kubo formula - problem in analytic contituation Is spatial volume large enough?

3 Experimental Measurement of  v F L Our idea:Create the spatially inhomogeneous flow on the lattice and measure viscosities “experimentally”. Spatially inhomogeneous system: Gopie, Ogilvie PRD59,034009(1999)

4 Velocity Distribution v F L x z u3(x)u3(x) x u 3 (x) is linear. :const.

5 Direct Measurements of Viscosities If we can create a static “hydrodynamic” flow on the lattice, transport coefficients can be determined by measuring T  ’s. The energy-momentum tensor directly observed on the lattice long range and course gained microscopically:hydrodynamic:

6 Momentum Source Statistical average of an observable O: cf.) grand canonical: Put external sources to Hamiltonian Lagrange multiplier L 0 L/2 L x y z Path integral representation imaginary  sign problem

7 Momentum Flow with Source x y z The hydro. mode forming the linear behavior will survive at long range. L L/2 x Microscopic dynamics governs short range behavior.

8 Taylor Expansion 0 th order: 1 st order: 2-point functions never gives rise to a linear func. at long range not responsible for the hydrodynamic flow Teaney, PRD74,045025(2006) Meyer, arXiv:0806.3914

9 Taylor Expansion We need higher-order correlation functions including both sources at x=0 and L/2 to create the hydrodynamic modes. 2 nd order term should vanish, since l.h.s. is an odd function of. The hydrodynamic mode can appear at least from 3 rd order.

10 Numerical Simulation pure gauge:  = 6.499, a = 0.049fm, N  =6 (T = 2.5T c ) each 20~60 steps of HB+OR 4 on bluegene@KEK (128nodes) one week simulation  64x32 2 x6 – L x = 3.13fm N conf ~ 20k 128x32 2 x6 – L x = 6.27fm N conf ~ 27k 192x32 2 x6 – L x = 9.41fm N conf ~ 13k parameter determined by Bielefeld group lattice size: Clover term for field strength

11 Numerical results 128x32 2 x6 N conf ~ 27k 1 st order x L/2 3.1fm exp. damping source no structure ~0.4fm

12 Numerical results 128x32 2 x6 N conf ~ 27k 3 rd order source No structure is mesuared except for near the source… x L/2

13 Summary Just a problem of statistics? Microscopic dynamics forbids a generation of hydro. flow? Is Taylor expansion available for this problem? We tried to create a system having hydrodynamic flow by introducing the momentum source to the Hamiltonian. Evaluating its effect by Taylor expansion up to 3 rd order, any signals for the flow is not observed thus far. What’s wrong? L L/2 x

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