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2 3 26% of middle class workers have more than high school diploma 1970 Snapshot.

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3 3 26% of middle class workers have more than high school diploma 1970 Snapshot

4 Jobs and Education Required in 2018 4

5 College/Career Readiness 2011 School Districts Percent Met-NO BONUS -- No Data Available (K-8) -- Less than 21% -- 21% to 40% -- 41% to 60% -- 61% to 80% -- Greater than 80% Independent School Districts in Northern Kentucky 5

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8  Joint effort of KDE and the Department of Workforce Development in collaboration with education partners  MISSION: Focus attention on the importance of planning for college and/or career by engaging students, parents, schools and communities in the process of effective advising 8

9 Designed to:  support schools in the advising process  help students see the connection between education and financial security in adulthood  help students maximize academic preparation and stay on track for success  deliver the message about the importance of school and college/career readiness by an independent source  engage students, parents, the community in college-/ career-readiness agenda  help districts increase college-/career-readiness of their students 9

10 QUESTIONS? What about FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)?  Prior consent to disclose student information is not required as long as the volunteer: performs a service for which the institution would otherwise use employees is under direct control of the institution in the use and maintenance of records agrees not to disclose personally identifiable information from student records --34 CFR § 99.31 10

11 HOW TO GET INVOLVED:  Mark your calendar for March 12-16, 2012  Contact your local middle or high school to let them know you’d like to participate in Operation Preparation  If you are an employer, encourage employee participation 11


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