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Year 5 Autumn 1 - How Great is Britain? This term, our overall topic will be exploring Wales and how it is makes up Great Britain. We will explore its.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 5 Autumn 1 - How Great is Britain? This term, our overall topic will be exploring Wales and how it is makes up Great Britain. We will explore its."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 5 Autumn 1 - How Great is Britain? This term, our overall topic will be exploring Wales and how it is makes up Great Britain. We will explore its country, how it is governed, its people and much more!

2 Literacy This term will be mainly linked to our ‘How Great in Britain’ topic. We will be investigating informational text and producing our own about Wales. We will be reading Welsh legends and creating our own mysterious and thrilling legends.

3 Maths Throughout Autumn, Year 5 will be focusing on Number and the number system. We will explore and compare place value. Children will be practising reading and writing numbers as words and in digits. We will consolidate addition and subtraction strategies, solving problems and giving explanations for our methods. We will complete weekly mental maths challenges.

4 Geography Our focus is looking at the Local area and understanding how we have human and physical features in our environment. We will further develop mapping skills and understand the habitats within our area. We will make comparisons between different environments in Wales. Science This term we will be learning about life cycles of living things including plants. We will be exploring how living things develop over time and reproduce. We will also learn about prominent naturalists and scientists.

5 Religious Education Our first topic will explore Ourselves and how we can become proud of the qualities we have and how we show these to others. We will look at how we show the Church through ourselves and our beliefs.

6 Art / DT Children will be exploring textiles and creating artwork using fabrics. Your child will also get the opportunity to practise stitching. By the end of the unit, children will have created a stitched piece of work based on Beddgelert – a Welsh legend. Physical Education Our focus for PE is basketball this term. On Tuesday, children will taking part in sessions led by The Jamie Carragher football coach.

7 SEAL – British Values We will be covering the topic ‘British Values’ We will explore democracy and how we can create a fair society. We will look at tolerance and respecting others around us. Throughout this first term, we will also be electing and voting for our new pupil councillors with elections starting in class and then onto whole school elections!

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