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Image Quality Review September 22 nd 2015. **DEDICATION**

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Presentation on theme: "Image Quality Review September 22 nd 2015. **DEDICATION**"— Presentation transcript:

1 Image Quality Review September 22 nd 2015



4 Agenda New CME policy Vacation picks 2016 Medicalis upgrade ViewPoint workflow Elastography QA Feedback

5 CME Policy

6 Ultrasound Education Budget (UEB)

7 UEB Committee Mission Statement “To serve each of our sonographers as fairly as possible by: Promoting an enthusiasm for learning; creating opportunities to obtain continuing education credits; and providing an education that is applicable and up-to-date. In turn, our sonographers will increase their skills/knowledge and provide the best care possible to the community that Inland Imaging serves.” Ultrasound Education Budget (UEB)

8 Summary 2016 Allotted Budget: $12,000 Fees to SDMS for CME opportunities Journal meetings, QA meetings, scanning workshops, etc. Opportunity for over 30 credits provided per year

9 Summary 2016 Allotted Budget: $12,000 Fees to SDMS for CME opportunities Journal meetings, QA meetings, scanning workshops, etc. Opportunity for over 30 credits provided per year Yearly SDMS membership (CME opportunities) Only for those who permanently opt out of out-of-town conference opportunities $160/yr

10 Summary 2016 Allotted Budget: $12,000 Fees to SDMS for CME opportunities Journal meetings, QA meetings, scanning workshops, etc. Opportunity for over 30 credits provided per year Yearly SDMS membership (CME opportunities) Only for those who permanently opt out of out-of-town conference opportunities $160/yr Out-of-Town Conferences (SDMS, AIUM, etc.) 6-8 attendees/yr $1,500/person Rotating basis

11 Reimbursements only You book and pay for your own flight, hotel, conference, etc. Pay for your own SDMS fees How It Will Work

12 Reimbursements only You book and pay for your own flight, hotel, conference, etc. Pay for your own SDMS fees Receipts are required for reimbursements How It Will Work

13 Conference attendees for the last two years will be placed at the bottom of the list The first x6 sonographers on the list will be given the opportunity to attend If a someone declines, they may keep their position on the list, but the next person will be given the opportunity In this way, you can hold off on your turn if you desire to wait for a specific conference No trading How It Will Work Reimbursements only You book and pay for your own flight, hotel, conference, etc. Pay for your own SDMS fees Receipts are required for reimbursements For conference attendance, a rotating list will be compiled

14 Annual local conference hosted by Inland Imaging Local speakers - radiologists, sonographers, surgeons, OBGYN’s, etc. One full Saturday 6-8 CME credits Fall 2016 One More Exciting Possible New Development

15 Vacation Requests 2016



18 Medicalis Upgrade



21 ViewPoint Workflow


23 LOGIQ E9 Shear Wave Elastography



26 Coming to the SC October 2016

27 QA Feedback

28 Cirrhosis one image of the surface contour of the liver, obtained using linear transducer, labeled Liver Surface Contour



31 Cirrhosis In the presence of cirrhosis, the patient is at risk for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Therefore, in a patient with chronic hepatitis (potentially undiagnosed cirrhosis) or cirrhosis, the entire liver should be screened for the presence of a liver mass which could represent HCC, and the following cines should be obtained: one sagittal cine of the entire right lobe of the liver, from the lateral right margin through the porta hepatis, labeled Liver Long Rt-Lt one transverse cine of the entire right lobe of the liver, from the dome through the inferior margin, labeled Liver Trans Sup-Inf one sagittal cine of the entire left lobe of the liver, from the porta hepatis through the lateral left margin, labeled Liver Long Rt-Lt one transverse cine of the entire left lobe of the liver, from the superior margin through the inferior margin, labeled Liver Trans Sup-Inf

32 Cortical Thickness ?

33 Cortical Thickness


35 Split screen measurements of cysts and mass’


37 Uterine Masses




41 Thyroid Nodules

42 Thyroid nodule reminder….. Estimate total number of nodules. Location of up to five documented on the OLF. Largest measured in three planes in each lobe. Nodules under 10mm do not need to be measured. Most importantly…..look for worrisome characteristics of any nodule and get a good sweep of it.

43 Endometrial Phases

44 Menstrual Phase

45 Proliferative Phase

46 Secretory Phase

47 Fetal Demise and Color Doppler

48 Important part of this image is ???

49 CRL vs MSD

50 Do not average CRL with MSD.. Only use the CRL when you can get a good reproducible CRL measurement.

51 Patient Satisfaction Survey



54 Is that your Boob or your kid? > The tech was in teaching mode which I understand but at a certain point I think they forgot that I was still a person in the room. They kept saying things like "see that, that's really alarming - definitely get that" and "that's very concerning - really concerning, the Dr will want that for sure".

55 Imaging Tips








63 Thank You…..

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